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Discharge, nutrient, and suspended sediment data for selected streams in the Lake Tahoe watershed

September 18, 2020

A time series of nutrient and mean daily discharge data were used to create models of daily concentration and loads for selected streams of the Lake Tahoe watershed. A total of 15 sites have records ranging from as early as 1972 to 2017. Nutrients in the data set include nitrate, ammonium, Kjeldahl Nitrogen, orthophosphate, and total phosphorus. Total suspended sediment concentrations are also included. Discharge data are included as mean daily values in cubic meters per second. The data were used to produce daily and annual models of concentrations and loads and associated daily and annual loads of these constituents. Trends in these constituents were also calculated. The U.S. Geological Survey model, Weighted Regressions on Time Discharge and Season (WRTDS) was used for these calculations. The data set and associated models of concentrations, loads, and trends are described in a companion journal article (Trends in nitrogen, phosphorus, and sediment concentrations and loads in streams draining to Lake Tahoe, California, Nevada, U.S.A.) published in Science of the Total Environment (

Publication Year 2020
Title Discharge, nutrient, and suspended sediment data for selected streams in the Lake Tahoe watershed
DOI 10.5066/P98T2HNM
Authors Joseph L Domagalski, Michael R Rosen, Eric Morway, Nancy L Alvarez
Product Type Data Release
Record Source USGS Asset Identifier Service (AIS)
USGS Organization Sacramento Projects Office (USGS California Water Science Center)
Rights This work is marked with CC0 1.0 Universal
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