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Experimental evaluation of predator exclosures on nest, chick, and adult survival data for the Northern Great Plains piping plover, 2014 - 2016

September 27, 2021
This dataset presents four tabular data files that evaluate the effect of predator exclosures around piping plover (Charadrius melodus) nests on plover nest, chick, within-season, and annual adult survival. During 2014-2016, we designed an experiment to examine nest (n = 418), chick (n = 453), and adult (n = 367) survival at alkaline wetlands of the Northern Great Plains. Alkaline wetlands were divided between treatment wetlands and control wetlands (no exclosures placed anywhere on wetland). Field crews aimed to place predator exclosures around half of all plover nests found resulting in three treatment types: uncaged nest on control wetland, uncaged nest on treatment wetland, and caged nest on treatment wetland. The nest survival dataset includes values used with the Shaffer logistic exposure model as well as the treatment of nest and wetland separately. The chick survival dataset includes a censored Cormack-Jolly-Seber encounter history based on when chicks were searched for in addition to the experimental treatment, the region of the study area, and the density of chicks at each wetland basin. Adult survival was examined over two time periods, during incubation (within season) and annually, resulting in two separate datasets, and took advantage of resightings of individuals outside the focal study area. The within season survival dataset includes a Barker model encounter history, region, experimental treatment, and a measure of habitat availability based on a climate index (standard precipitation-evapotranspiration index). The annual adult survival dataset includes a Barker model encounter history and the time-varying experimental treatment.
Publication Year 2021
Title Experimental evaluation of predator exclosures on nest, chick, and adult survival data for the Northern Great Plains piping plover, 2014 - 2016
DOI 10.5066/P9YUXKEC
Authors Kristen S. Ellis, Rose J Swift, Michael J Anteau, Mark H Sherfy, David N. Koons, Dustin L Toy, Megan Ring, Terry L Shaffer
Product Type Data Release
Record Source USGS Asset Identifier Service (AIS)
USGS Organization Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center
Rights This work is marked with CC0 1.0 Universal
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