Mark Sherfy
Mark Sherfy is the Deputy Center Director at the USGS Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center in Jamestown, North Dakota.
Science and Products
Filter Total Items: 49
U.S. Geological Survey—Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center 2021–23 research activity report
The mission of Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center is to provide scientific information needed to conserve and manage the Nation’s natural capital for current and future generations, with an emphasis on migratory birds, Department of the Interior trust resources, and ecosystems of the Nation’s interior. This report provides an overview of the studies conducted at Northern Prairie...
Assessing trade-offs in developing a landscape-scale nest monitoring programme for a threatened shorebird
Effective monitoring of wildlife species requires thorough planning and development of survey programmes that can address management and conservation objectives. Decisions about monitoring programmes include where to survey, survey design and how much effort to allocate at survey sites are typically predicated on limited budgets and available resources. When the scope of inference...
Kristen S. Ellis, Michael J. Anteau, Garrett J. MacDonald, Megan Ring, Mark H. Sherfy, Rose J. Swift, Dustin L. Toy
Estimating population viability of the northern Great Plains piping plover population considering updated population structure, climate change, and intensive management
One challenge in wildlife conservation is understanding how various threats and management actions may influence long-term population viability. This is particularly evident when there is considerable uncertainty regarding population structure and vital rates. Reassessment of current knowledge and population trends is necessary for listed species to improve management actions that...
Rose J. Swift, Michael J. Anteau, Kristen S. Ellis, Garrett J. MacDonald, Megan Ring, Mark H. Sherfy, Dustin L. Toy
Conspecific density and habitat quality affect breeding habitat selection: Support for the social attraction hypothesis
Breeding habitat selection is a critical component of the annual cycle because of its effect on fitness. Multiple theories of habitat selection can be differentiated by their responses to the quantity of habitat, conspecific density, and habitat quality. Here, we use network analysis to understand the characteristics of fine-scale breeding habitat selected by both immigrant and returning...
Rose J. Swift, Michael J. Anteau, Kristen S. Ellis, Megan Ring, Mark H. Sherfy, Dustin L. Toy
Data integration reveals dynamic and systematic patterns of breeding habitat use by a threatened shorebird
Incorporating species distributions into conservation planning has traditionally involved long-term representations of habitat use where temporal variation is averaged to reveal habitats that are most suitable across time. Advances in remote sensing and analytical tools have allowed for the integration of dynamic processes into species distribution modeling. Our objective was to develop...
Kristen S. Ellis, Michael J. Anteau, Garrett J. MacDonald, Rose J. Swift, Megan Ring, Dustin L. Toy, Mark H. Sherfy, Max Post van der Burg
Implications of habitat-driven survival and dispersal on recruitment in a spatially structured piping plover population
Natal survival and dispersal have important consequences for populations through the movement of genes and individuals. Metapopulation theory predicts either balanced natal dispersal among regions or source–sink dynamics, which can dramatically change population structure. For species reliant on dynamic, early-successional habitats, availability and location of habitat will shift from...
Rose J. Swift, Michael J. Anteau, Kristen S. Ellis, Megan Ring, Mark H. Sherfy, Dustin L. Toy, David N. Koons
Reassessing perennial cover as a driver of duck nest survival in the Prairie Pothole Region
Conservation plans designed to sustain North American duck populations prominently feature a key hypothesis stating that the amount of the landscape in perennial cover surrounding upland duck nests positively influences nest survival rates. Recent conflicting research testing this hypothesis creates ambiguity regarding which management actions to pursue and where to prioritize...
Aaron T. Pearse, Michael J. Anteau, Max Post van der Burg, Mark H. Sherfy, Thomas K. Buhl, Terry L. Shaffer
Experimental evaluation of predator exclosures on nest, chick, and adult survival of piping plovers
Species of conservation concern often receive intensive management to improve vital rates and facilitate recovery. Piping plovers (Charadrius melodus) are federally listed in the United States and concerns over nest depredation have prompted widespread use of plover-permeable predator exclosures placed around nests (0.5–2-m radius). While effectiveness of exclosures for improving nest...
Michael J. Anteau, Rose J. Swift, Mark H. Sherfy, David N. Koons, Kristen S. Ellis, Terry L. Shaffer, Dustin L. Toy, Megan Ring
Foraging movements and colony attendance of Least Terns (Sternula antillarum) on the central Platte River, Nebraska, USA
Least Terns (Sternula antillarum) are known to forage away from nesting colonies, yet little information is available about movement rates and distances. We used VHF transmitters and a network of datalogging receivers to monitor movements of 23 Least Terns on the central Platte River, Nebraska, USA. We typically detected incubating and brood-rearing birds within 8 km of colonies during...
Mark H. Sherfy, Megan Ring, Jennifer H. Stucker, Michael J. Anteau, Terry L. Shaffer, Marsha A. Sovada
Dispersal distance is driven by habitat availability and reproductive success in Northern Great Plains piping plovers
BackgroundDispersal is a critical life history strategy that has important conservation implications, particularly for at-risk species with active recovery efforts and migratory species. Both natal and breeding dispersal are driven by numerous selection pressures, including conspecific competition, individual characteristics, reproductive success, and spatiotemporal variation in habitat...
Rose J. Swift, Michael J. Anteau, Kristen S. Ellis, Megan Ring, Mark H. Sherfy, Dustin L. Toy
Impacts of extreme environmental disturbances on piping plover survival are partially moderated by migratory connectivity
Effective conservation for listed migratory species requires an understanding of how drivers of population decline vary spatially and temporally, as well as knowledge of range-wide connectivity between breeding and nonbreeding areas. Environmental conditions distant from breeding areas can have lasting effects on the demography of migratory species, yet these consequences are often the...
Kristen S. Ellis, Michael J. Anteau, Francesca J. Cuthbert, Cheri L Gratto-Trevor, Joel G. Jorgensen, David J Newstead, Larkin A. Powell, Megan Ring, Mark H. Sherfy, Rose J. Swift, Dustin L. Toy, David N. Koons
U.S. Geological Survey—Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center 2019–20 research activity report
The mission of Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center is to provide scientific information needed to conserve and manage the Nation’s natural capital for current and future generations, with an emphasis on migratory birds, Department of the Interior trust resources, and ecosystems of the Nation’s interior. This report provides an overview of the studies conducted at Northern Prairie...
Improving monitoring techniques for nests of interior least terns and piping plovers
Least terns and piping plovers are the subject of numerous population monitoring efforts. Population monitoring requires periodic visits to nesting areas to count and assess breeding status of the birds. At higher visit frequencies, detection of nests and chicks improves as does ability to determine outcomes of nesting attempts, resulting in more complete and accurate productivity information. But...
Piping plover nesting habitat distribution maps for the U.S. Prairie Pothole Region, 2000–2021
These maps were developed to support an effort to understand the spatial characteristics of piping plover (Charadrius melodus) nesting habitats. The maps show the expected nesting habitat distributions and piping plover intensity between 2000 and 2021 in the U.S. Prairie Pothole Region.
Spatial characteristics of Piping Plover nest sites in the U.S. Prairie Pothole Region data, 2000-2019
This data is a companion to the manuscript titled "Data integration reveals dynamic and systematic patterns of breeding habitat use by a threatened shorebird". Advances in both remote sensing and analytical tools for spatial data have allowed for the integration of dynamic processes into species distribution models. We developed a spatiotemporal model of breeding habitat use and density...
Least tern movements and foraging behavior on the Platte River, Nebraska, 2009-2010
This data set is part of a data release as a companion to a manuscript titled "Foraging movements and colony attendance of least terns (Sternula antillarum) on the central Platte River". This data release includes three tabular digital data file representing movement patterns, behaviors, and foraging success of least terns that nested on sandpits near the Platte River during 2009 and...
Impacts of extreme environmental disturbances on survival of piping plovers breeding in the Great Plains, and wintering along the Gulf of Mexico and Atlantic Coasts, 2012-2019
We present one tabular data file to evaluate piping plover (Charadrius melodus) seasonal (breeding and nonbreeding) adult survival. These data were part of a study to examine adult (n = 3474) survival during 2012-2019 at breeding regions within the Northern Great Plains and nonbreeding regions in the Gulf and southern Atlantic Coasts of North America. This file includes USGS-funded data...
Piping plover hatch-year survival and natal dispersal probabilities in the Northern Great Plains, USA 2014-2019
We present a tabular data set representing values to estimate apparent hatch-year survival to adulthood and natal dispersal probabilities between two breeding groups of the Northern Great Plains piping plover (Charadrius melodus) used in a multievent capture-mark-resight model from 2014-2019. Focusing on the Northern Missouri River and U.S. Alkali Wetlands breeding groups. In addition...
Experimental evaluation of predator exclosures on nest, chick, and adult survival data for the Northern Great Plains piping plover, 2014 - 2016
This dataset presents four tabular data files that evaluate the effect of predator exclosures around piping plover (Charadrius melodus) nests on plover nest, chick, within-season, and annual adult survival. During 2014-2016, we designed an experiment to examine nest (n = 418), chick (n = 453), and adult (n = 367) survival at alkaline wetlands of the Northern Great Plains. Alkaline...
Hetero- and conspecifics effects on nest and chick survival for two listed species; piping plover and least tern breeding on the Missouri River, USA 2007-2016
We present two tabular digital data files representing values related how the presence of hetero- and conspecifics influence nest and chick survival for two listed migratory species breeding on the Missouri River; piping plover (Charadrius melodus) and least tern (Sternula antillarum). We followed 2,507 piping plover nests, 3,251 uniquely banded piping plover chicks, 1,060 least tern...
Renesting propensity, intervals, and reproductive success data for the Northern Great Plains Piping Plover, a threatened shorebird species 2014-2016
This data set is part of a data release as a companion to a published manuscript titled "Low renesting propensity and reproductive success make renesting unproductive for the Piping Plover, Charadrius melodus." The Condor: Ornithological Applications. Upon reproductive failure, many bird species may make a secondary attempt at nesting. This data set includes four tabular digital data...
Least tern and piping plover responses to the 2011 Missouri River flood: Nest, chick, and adult datasets
This data release includes nest, chick, and adult survival data that were analyzed to evaluate effects of the 2011 Missouri River flood on endangered least terns and threatened piping plovers.
Science and Products
Filter Total Items: 49
U.S. Geological Survey—Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center 2021–23 research activity report
The mission of Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center is to provide scientific information needed to conserve and manage the Nation’s natural capital for current and future generations, with an emphasis on migratory birds, Department of the Interior trust resources, and ecosystems of the Nation’s interior. This report provides an overview of the studies conducted at Northern Prairie...
Assessing trade-offs in developing a landscape-scale nest monitoring programme for a threatened shorebird
Effective monitoring of wildlife species requires thorough planning and development of survey programmes that can address management and conservation objectives. Decisions about monitoring programmes include where to survey, survey design and how much effort to allocate at survey sites are typically predicated on limited budgets and available resources. When the scope of inference...
Kristen S. Ellis, Michael J. Anteau, Garrett J. MacDonald, Megan Ring, Mark H. Sherfy, Rose J. Swift, Dustin L. Toy
Estimating population viability of the northern Great Plains piping plover population considering updated population structure, climate change, and intensive management
One challenge in wildlife conservation is understanding how various threats and management actions may influence long-term population viability. This is particularly evident when there is considerable uncertainty regarding population structure and vital rates. Reassessment of current knowledge and population trends is necessary for listed species to improve management actions that...
Rose J. Swift, Michael J. Anteau, Kristen S. Ellis, Garrett J. MacDonald, Megan Ring, Mark H. Sherfy, Dustin L. Toy
Conspecific density and habitat quality affect breeding habitat selection: Support for the social attraction hypothesis
Breeding habitat selection is a critical component of the annual cycle because of its effect on fitness. Multiple theories of habitat selection can be differentiated by their responses to the quantity of habitat, conspecific density, and habitat quality. Here, we use network analysis to understand the characteristics of fine-scale breeding habitat selected by both immigrant and returning...
Rose J. Swift, Michael J. Anteau, Kristen S. Ellis, Megan Ring, Mark H. Sherfy, Dustin L. Toy
Data integration reveals dynamic and systematic patterns of breeding habitat use by a threatened shorebird
Incorporating species distributions into conservation planning has traditionally involved long-term representations of habitat use where temporal variation is averaged to reveal habitats that are most suitable across time. Advances in remote sensing and analytical tools have allowed for the integration of dynamic processes into species distribution modeling. Our objective was to develop...
Kristen S. Ellis, Michael J. Anteau, Garrett J. MacDonald, Rose J. Swift, Megan Ring, Dustin L. Toy, Mark H. Sherfy, Max Post van der Burg
Implications of habitat-driven survival and dispersal on recruitment in a spatially structured piping plover population
Natal survival and dispersal have important consequences for populations through the movement of genes and individuals. Metapopulation theory predicts either balanced natal dispersal among regions or source–sink dynamics, which can dramatically change population structure. For species reliant on dynamic, early-successional habitats, availability and location of habitat will shift from...
Rose J. Swift, Michael J. Anteau, Kristen S. Ellis, Megan Ring, Mark H. Sherfy, Dustin L. Toy, David N. Koons
Reassessing perennial cover as a driver of duck nest survival in the Prairie Pothole Region
Conservation plans designed to sustain North American duck populations prominently feature a key hypothesis stating that the amount of the landscape in perennial cover surrounding upland duck nests positively influences nest survival rates. Recent conflicting research testing this hypothesis creates ambiguity regarding which management actions to pursue and where to prioritize...
Aaron T. Pearse, Michael J. Anteau, Max Post van der Burg, Mark H. Sherfy, Thomas K. Buhl, Terry L. Shaffer
Experimental evaluation of predator exclosures on nest, chick, and adult survival of piping plovers
Species of conservation concern often receive intensive management to improve vital rates and facilitate recovery. Piping plovers (Charadrius melodus) are federally listed in the United States and concerns over nest depredation have prompted widespread use of plover-permeable predator exclosures placed around nests (0.5–2-m radius). While effectiveness of exclosures for improving nest...
Michael J. Anteau, Rose J. Swift, Mark H. Sherfy, David N. Koons, Kristen S. Ellis, Terry L. Shaffer, Dustin L. Toy, Megan Ring
Foraging movements and colony attendance of Least Terns (Sternula antillarum) on the central Platte River, Nebraska, USA
Least Terns (Sternula antillarum) are known to forage away from nesting colonies, yet little information is available about movement rates and distances. We used VHF transmitters and a network of datalogging receivers to monitor movements of 23 Least Terns on the central Platte River, Nebraska, USA. We typically detected incubating and brood-rearing birds within 8 km of colonies during...
Mark H. Sherfy, Megan Ring, Jennifer H. Stucker, Michael J. Anteau, Terry L. Shaffer, Marsha A. Sovada
Dispersal distance is driven by habitat availability and reproductive success in Northern Great Plains piping plovers
BackgroundDispersal is a critical life history strategy that has important conservation implications, particularly for at-risk species with active recovery efforts and migratory species. Both natal and breeding dispersal are driven by numerous selection pressures, including conspecific competition, individual characteristics, reproductive success, and spatiotemporal variation in habitat...
Rose J. Swift, Michael J. Anteau, Kristen S. Ellis, Megan Ring, Mark H. Sherfy, Dustin L. Toy
Impacts of extreme environmental disturbances on piping plover survival are partially moderated by migratory connectivity
Effective conservation for listed migratory species requires an understanding of how drivers of population decline vary spatially and temporally, as well as knowledge of range-wide connectivity between breeding and nonbreeding areas. Environmental conditions distant from breeding areas can have lasting effects on the demography of migratory species, yet these consequences are often the...
Kristen S. Ellis, Michael J. Anteau, Francesca J. Cuthbert, Cheri L Gratto-Trevor, Joel G. Jorgensen, David J Newstead, Larkin A. Powell, Megan Ring, Mark H. Sherfy, Rose J. Swift, Dustin L. Toy, David N. Koons
U.S. Geological Survey—Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center 2019–20 research activity report
The mission of Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center is to provide scientific information needed to conserve and manage the Nation’s natural capital for current and future generations, with an emphasis on migratory birds, Department of the Interior trust resources, and ecosystems of the Nation’s interior. This report provides an overview of the studies conducted at Northern Prairie...
Improving monitoring techniques for nests of interior least terns and piping plovers
Least terns and piping plovers are the subject of numerous population monitoring efforts. Population monitoring requires periodic visits to nesting areas to count and assess breeding status of the birds. At higher visit frequencies, detection of nests and chicks improves as does ability to determine outcomes of nesting attempts, resulting in more complete and accurate productivity information. But...
Piping plover nesting habitat distribution maps for the U.S. Prairie Pothole Region, 2000–2021
These maps were developed to support an effort to understand the spatial characteristics of piping plover (Charadrius melodus) nesting habitats. The maps show the expected nesting habitat distributions and piping plover intensity between 2000 and 2021 in the U.S. Prairie Pothole Region.
Spatial characteristics of Piping Plover nest sites in the U.S. Prairie Pothole Region data, 2000-2019
This data is a companion to the manuscript titled "Data integration reveals dynamic and systematic patterns of breeding habitat use by a threatened shorebird". Advances in both remote sensing and analytical tools for spatial data have allowed for the integration of dynamic processes into species distribution models. We developed a spatiotemporal model of breeding habitat use and density...
Least tern movements and foraging behavior on the Platte River, Nebraska, 2009-2010
This data set is part of a data release as a companion to a manuscript titled "Foraging movements and colony attendance of least terns (Sternula antillarum) on the central Platte River". This data release includes three tabular digital data file representing movement patterns, behaviors, and foraging success of least terns that nested on sandpits near the Platte River during 2009 and...
Impacts of extreme environmental disturbances on survival of piping plovers breeding in the Great Plains, and wintering along the Gulf of Mexico and Atlantic Coasts, 2012-2019
We present one tabular data file to evaluate piping plover (Charadrius melodus) seasonal (breeding and nonbreeding) adult survival. These data were part of a study to examine adult (n = 3474) survival during 2012-2019 at breeding regions within the Northern Great Plains and nonbreeding regions in the Gulf and southern Atlantic Coasts of North America. This file includes USGS-funded data...
Piping plover hatch-year survival and natal dispersal probabilities in the Northern Great Plains, USA 2014-2019
We present a tabular data set representing values to estimate apparent hatch-year survival to adulthood and natal dispersal probabilities between two breeding groups of the Northern Great Plains piping plover (Charadrius melodus) used in a multievent capture-mark-resight model from 2014-2019. Focusing on the Northern Missouri River and U.S. Alkali Wetlands breeding groups. In addition...
Experimental evaluation of predator exclosures on nest, chick, and adult survival data for the Northern Great Plains piping plover, 2014 - 2016
This dataset presents four tabular data files that evaluate the effect of predator exclosures around piping plover (Charadrius melodus) nests on plover nest, chick, within-season, and annual adult survival. During 2014-2016, we designed an experiment to examine nest (n = 418), chick (n = 453), and adult (n = 367) survival at alkaline wetlands of the Northern Great Plains. Alkaline...
Hetero- and conspecifics effects on nest and chick survival for two listed species; piping plover and least tern breeding on the Missouri River, USA 2007-2016
We present two tabular digital data files representing values related how the presence of hetero- and conspecifics influence nest and chick survival for two listed migratory species breeding on the Missouri River; piping plover (Charadrius melodus) and least tern (Sternula antillarum). We followed 2,507 piping plover nests, 3,251 uniquely banded piping plover chicks, 1,060 least tern...
Renesting propensity, intervals, and reproductive success data for the Northern Great Plains Piping Plover, a threatened shorebird species 2014-2016
This data set is part of a data release as a companion to a published manuscript titled "Low renesting propensity and reproductive success make renesting unproductive for the Piping Plover, Charadrius melodus." The Condor: Ornithological Applications. Upon reproductive failure, many bird species may make a secondary attempt at nesting. This data set includes four tabular digital data...
Least tern and piping plover responses to the 2011 Missouri River flood: Nest, chick, and adult datasets
This data release includes nest, chick, and adult survival data that were analyzed to evaluate effects of the 2011 Missouri River flood on endangered least terns and threatened piping plovers.