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Globorotalia truncatulinoides Trace Element Geochemistry (Barium, Magnesium, Strontium, Manganese, and Calcium) From the Gulf of Mexico Sediment Trap

March 29, 2022

Observations of elevated barium-to-calcium ratio (Ba/Ca) in Globorotalia truncatulinoides have been attributed to contaminant phases, deep calcification depth and diagenetic processes. U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) scientists and their collaborators investigated intra- and inter-test Ba/Ca variability in the non-spinose planktic foraminifer, G. truncatulinoides, from a sediment trap time series (2009-2017) in the northern Gulf of Mexico (generally 27.5 degrees N and 90.3 degrees W) to gain insights into the environmental influences on barium enrichment in this and other non-spinose species. Laser Ablation Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) was used to differentiate between the elemental composition of the crust and lamellar calcite in non-encrusted (less than 150 meters [m] calcification depth) and encrusted (greater than 250 meters calcification depth) specimens of G. truncatulinoides.

For further information regarding data collection, processing methods, and/or results and interpretive study refer to Richey and others, 2022.

Richey, J.N., Fehrenbacher, J.S., Reynolds, C.E., Davis, C.V., and Sperod, H.J., 2022, Barium enrichment in the non-spinose planktic foraminifer, Globorotalia truncatulinoides: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta,

Publication Year 2022
Title Globorotalia truncatulinoides Trace Element Geochemistry (Barium, Magnesium, Strontium, Manganese, and Calcium) From the Gulf of Mexico Sediment Trap
DOI 10.5066/P9YQMIH5
Authors Caitlin E Reynolds, Julie N Richey, Jennifer S. Fehrenbacher, Catherine V Davis, Howard J. Spero
Product Type Data Release
Record Source USGS Asset Identifier Service (AIS)
USGS Organization St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center
Rights This work is marked with CC0 1.0 Universal
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