This topobathymetric elevation dataset of Great Salt Lake includes an assimilated topobathymetric raster comprising interpolated bathymetry from 2005 and 2006 (Baskin, 2005; Baskin, 2006) and QL1 and QL2 lidar from 2016 (Utah Geospatial Resource Center, 2016). The bathymetric dataset was originally published as contour maps. The contours were interpolated to develop a digital elevation model that is readable by a geographic information system and compatible with topographic lidar data generated in 2016. Because the water elevation of Great Salt Lake has declined since 2005, regions of the bathymetric and lidar datasets overlap to provide a reasonable estimate of error. The topobathymetric dataset was generated with a horizontal projection of UTM Zone 12N, North American Datum of 1983, Geoid 12b at a 0.5-meter horizontal resolution, and referenced to the North American Vertical Datum of 1988 in meters. This dataset also provides elevation-area-volume relationships for Great Salt Lake derived from the topobathymetric dataset. The topobathymetric dataset was resampled from 0.5-meter to 5.0-meter resolution due to the size of the topobathymetric dataset and computation constraints. An error analysis was conducted at 0.01-ft elevation increments across three elevation bands: lower (4,175.00–4,176.00 ft above NAVD 88), middle (4,200.00–4,201.00 ft above NAVD 88), and upper (4,215.00–4,216.00 ft above NAVD 88).