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Lumped parameter models of groundwater age and noble gas models of recharge conditions in support of Groundwater and Surface-Water Resources near Red Fleet Reservoir, Uintah County, Utah

February 5, 2020

This data release documents four Microsoft Excel tables; one contains data for understanding water ages, one contains noble gas model data, two that describe the data fields. Results described include environmental tracer concentrations (tritium, tritiogenic helium-3, choloroflourocarbons, and radiogenic helium-4), mean age and age distribution, noble gas concentrations, and groundwater recharge conditions. Mean age and age distribution results (LPM) contain final models of groundwater age by calibration of lumped parameter models to tracer concentrations (Jurgens and others, 2012). Please see the main manuscript for additional details on the results presented in this table. Noble gas model results (CEmodel) contain noble gas concentrations and closed-equilibrium model results. Please see the main manuscript for additional details on the results presented in this table.

Jurgens, B.C., Bohlke, J.K., and Eberts, S.M., 2012, TracerLPM (Version 1): An Excel workbook for interpreting groundwater age distributions from environmental tracer data: U.S. Geological Survey Techniques and Methods Report 4-F3, 60 p.,

Publication Year 2020
Title Lumped parameter models of groundwater age and noble gas models of recharge conditions in support of Groundwater and Surface-Water Resources near Red Fleet Reservoir, Uintah County, Utah
DOI 10.5066/P9H7FIEO
Authors John E Solder, Thomas M Marston
Product Type Data Release
Record Source USGS Asset Identifier Service (AIS)
USGS Organization Utah Water Science Center - Salt Lake City Main Office
Rights This work is marked with CC0 1.0 Universal
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