Mercury and selenium concentrations in bird eggs at Great Salt Lake, Utah
April 29, 2020
These metadata provide data used to examine mercury and selenium concentrations in eggs of birds breeding in wetlands of the Great Salt Lake ecosystem, Utah, particularly at Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge. Eggs were salvaged during 2010 - 2012 and include 33 species of birds.
These data support the following publication:
Ackerman, J.T., Herzog, M.P., Hartman, C.A., Isanhart, J., Herring, G., Vaughn, S., Cavitt, J.F., Eagles-Smith, C.A., Browers, H., Cline, C., and Vest, J., 2015, Mercury and selenium contamination in waterbird eggs and risk to avian reproduction at Great Salt Lake, Utah: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2015-1020, 164 p.,
Citation Information
Publication Year | 2020 |
Title | Mercury and selenium concentrations in bird eggs at Great Salt Lake, Utah |
DOI | 10.5066/P9H4US4N |
Authors | Josh T Ackerman, Mark P Herzog |
Product Type | Data Release |
Record Source | USGS Asset Identifier Service (AIS) |
USGS Organization | Western Ecological Research Center - Headquarters |
Rights | This work is marked with CC0 1.0 Universal |
Mercury and selenium contamination in waterbird eggs and risk to avian reproduction at Great Salt Lake, Utah
The wetlands of the Great Salt Lake ecosystem are recognized regionally, nationally, and hemispherically for their importance as breeding, wintering, and migratory habitat for diverse groups of waterbirds. Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge is the largest freshwater component of the Great Salt Lake ecosystem and provides critical breeding habitat for more than 60 bird species. However, the...
Joshua T. Ackerman, Mark P. Herzog, Christopher A. Hartman, John P. Isanhart, Garth Herring, Sharon Vaughn, John F. Cavitt, Collin A. Eagles-Smith, Howard Browers, Chris Cline, Josh Vest
Mercury and selenium contamination in waterbird eggs and risk to avian reproduction at Great Salt Lake, Utah
The wetlands of the Great Salt Lake ecosystem are recognized regionally, nationally, and hemispherically for their importance as breeding, wintering, and migratory habitat for diverse groups of waterbirds. Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge is the largest freshwater component of the Great Salt Lake ecosystem and provides critical breeding habitat for more than 60 bird species. However, the...
Joshua T. Ackerman, Mark P. Herzog, Christopher A. Hartman, John P. Isanhart, Garth Herring, Sharon Vaughn, John F. Cavitt, Collin A. Eagles-Smith, Howard Browers, Chris Cline, Josh Vest