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Model input and projections of compound floodwater depths for the lower Nooksack River and delta, western Washington State

August 30, 2023

Model input and computed flood depths associated with the combined influence of sea level position, tides, storm surge, and streamflow under existing conditions and projected future higher sea level and peak stream runoff are provided for the lower (Reach 1) of the Nooksack River and delta in Whatcom County, western Washington State. The flood-depth projection data are provided in a series of raster geotiff files. Flood exposure was computed using a system of numerical models, accounting for projected changes in climate forcing including sea level rise, storm surge, and stream discharge in the 2040s and 2080s based on the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5 (CMIP5) Global Climate Model (GCM) projections. Cumulative effects to flood exposure associated with climate change, nature-based mitigation alternatives, sediment responses to the mitigation alternatives, and observed decadal-scale stream bed aggradation provide quantitative information to address enhanced resilience in land and resource planning.

Publication Year 2023
Title Model input and projections of compound floodwater depths for the lower Nooksack River and delta, western Washington State
DOI 10.5066/P9DJM7X2
Authors Eric Grossman, Nathan R Vanarendonk, K. Nederhoff, Kai A Parker
Product Type Data Release
Record Source USGS Asset Identifier Service (AIS)
USGS Organization Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center
Rights This work is marked with CC0 1.0 Universal
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