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Riverscape snorkeling surveys of salmonid distribution and abundance before (2007, 2008) and after (2018, 2019) dam removal on the Elwha River, Washington

December 28, 2021

We used snorkel surveys in the Elwha River, conducted in consecutive years before (2007, 2008) and after (2018, 2019) dam removal to assess changes in fish distribution and density. In total, we counted 54,616 Chinook Salmon, Bull Trout, Steelhead, and trout (Rainbow Trout and Coastal Cutthroat Trout combined) in 22 common reaches spanning 65 river kilometers. The occupancy of juvenile Chinook Salmon, Coho Salmon, and trout was also assessed following dam removal.

Publication Year 2021
Title Riverscape snorkeling surveys of salmonid distribution and abundance before (2007, 2008) and after (2018, 2019) dam removal on the Elwha River, Washington
DOI 10.5066/P9MFJXK1
Authors Christian Torgersen, Jeff Duda, Samuel J. Brenkman, Roger Peters, Kathryn T. Sutton
Product Type Data Release
Record Source USGS Asset Identifier Service (AIS)
USGS Organization Forest and Rangeland Ecosystem Science Center (FRESC) Headquarters
Rights This work is marked with CC0 1.0 Universal
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