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Sub-annual streamflow responses to rainfall and snowmelt inputs in snow-dominated watersheds of the western U.S.

March 6, 2020
The data presented here contain quasi-event hydrologic response characteristics for quickflow response intervals (QRIs) calculated at 57 USGS GAGES-II reference watersheds in the western US. Each row in the attached csv contains characteristics for an individual QRI at one site. QRI characteristics include duration, antecedent flow, input, input rate,peak flow, potential evapotranspiration, quickflow, and quickflow/input (effectively a runoff ratio).

This data release supports the publication "Sub-annual streamflow responses to rainfall and snowmelt inputs in snow-dominated watersheds of the western U.S." in Water Resources Research.
Publication Year 2020
Title Sub-annual streamflow responses to rainfall and snowmelt inputs in snow-dominated watersheds of the western U.S.
DOI 10.5066/P9AB3KL9
Authors John C Hammond
Product Type Data Release
Record Source USGS Asset Identifier Service (AIS)
USGS Organization MD-DE-DC Water Science Center
Rights This work is marked with CC0 1.0 Universal
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