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Supplemental Regression Model Data, Estimated Discharge Data, and Calculated Flux and Yields Data used in Bacterial Indicators and Microbial Source Tracking Study at Tumacacori National Historical Park and the Upper Santa Cruz River, Arizona (1994-2017)

December 3, 2018
This data release contains three different datasets that were used in the Scientific Investigations Report: Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Bacterial Indicators and Microbial Source Tracking within Tumacacori National Historical Park and the Upper Santa Cruz River, Arizona, 2015-16. These datasets contain regression model data, estimated discharge data, and calculated flux and yields data. Regression Model Data: This dataset contains data used in a regression model development in the SIR. The period of data ranged from May 25, 1994 to May 19, 2017. Data from 2015 to 2017 were collected by the U.S. Geological Survey. Data prior to 2015 were provided by various agencies. Listed below are the different data contained within this dataset: Season represented as an indicator variable (Fall, Spring, Summer, and Winter) Hydrologic Condition represented as an indicator variable (rising limb, recession limb, peak, or unable to classify) Flood (binary variable indicating if the sample was collected during a flood event or not) Decimal Date (DT) represented as a continuous variable Sine of DT represented as a continuous variable for periodic function to describe seasonal variation Cosine of DT represented as a continuous variable for periodic function to describe seasonal variation Estimated Discharge: This dataset contains estimated discharge at four different sites between March 2, 2015 and December 14, 2016. The discharge was estimated using nearby streamgage relations and methods are described in detail in the SIR. The sites where discharge was estimated are listed below. NW8; 312551110573901; Nogales Wash at Ruby Road SC3; 312654110573201; Santa Cruz River abv Nogales Wash SC10; 313343110024701; Santa Cruz River at Santa Gertrudis Lane SC14; 09481740; Santa Cruz River at Tubac, AZ Calculated flux and Yields: This dataset contains calculated flux and yields for E. coli and suspended sediment concentrations. Mean daily flux was calculated when mean daily discharge was available at a corresponding streamgage. Instantaneous flux was calculated when instantaneous discharge (at 15-minute intervals) were available at a corresponding streamgage, or from a measured or estimated discharge value. The yields were calculated using the calculated flux values and the area of the different watersheds. Methods and equations are described in detail in the SIR. Listed below are the data contained within this dataset: Mean daily E. coli flux, in most probable number per day Mean daily suspended sediment flux, in tons per day Instantaneous E. coli flux, in most probable number per second Instantaneous suspended sediment flux, in tons per second E. coli, in most probable number per square mile Suspended sediment, in tons per square mile
Publication Year 2018
Title Supplemental Regression Model Data, Estimated Discharge Data, and Calculated Flux and Yields Data used in Bacterial Indicators and Microbial Source Tracking Study at Tumacacori National Historical Park and the Upper Santa Cruz River, Arizona (1994-2017)
DOI 10.5066/P93YD8XX
Authors Nicholas V Paretti, Justine P Mayo
Product Type Data Release
Record Source USGS Asset Identifier Service (AIS)
USGS Organization Arizona Water Science Center, Tucson Office
Rights This work is marked with CC0 1.0 Universal
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