Lesson 5: Using The National Map Web Services in ArcMap - This video provides an overview and demonstrates how to use The National Map's web services in a mapping application.
How should I cite datasets and services from The National Map?
The USGS does not require a specific format when citing data obtained through The National Map. You should follow the citation guidelines provided by instructors or publication editors as appropriate. The following should help you find the information that you need:
Citation for Datasets
Author: U.S. Geological Survey
Release date: the first four numbers of <pubdate> from dataset metadata for the year of the release date. For example, if the <pubdate> is 20190426, the year is 2019.
Title: depends on the dataset. Examples include: National Hydrography Dataset, 3D Elevation Program 1-Meter Resolution Digital Elevation Model, Watershed Boundary Dataset, or 3D Elevation Program Lidar Point Cloud.
Version: <title> from dataset metadata
Access information: date accessed and URL for webpage used to access the data
Dataset examples:
U.S. Geological Survey, 2019, National Hydrography Dataset (ver. USGS National Hydrography Dataset Best Resolution (NHD) for Hydrologic Unit (HU) 4 - 2001 (published 20191002)), accessed October 23, 2019 at URL https://www.usgs.gov/national-hydrography/access-national-hydrography-products
U.S. Geological Survey, 2019, 3D Elevation Program 1-Meter Resolution Digital Elevation Model (published 20200606), accessed October 23, 2019 at URL https://www.usgs.gov/the-national-map-data-delivery
Citation for Web services
Author: U.S. Geological Survey
Release date: the date listed in the Copyright Text in the REST service description available at https://apps.nationalmap.gov/services/
Title of the data: the Title listed in the Document Info in the REST service description available at https://apps.nationalmap.gov/services/
Access information: Date accessed and URL for the map service
Web service examples:
U.S. Geological Survey, 2019, USGS TNM Hydrography (NHD), accessed June 7, 2019 at URL https://apps.nationalmap.gov/services/.
U.S. Geological Survey, 2019, USGS 3D Elevation Program Digital Elevation Model, accessed June 7, 2019 at URL https://elevation.nationalmap.gov/arcgis/rest/services/3DEPElevation/ImageServer.
Learn more:
How should I cite a USGS website or publication?
The USGS does not require a specific format when citing our websites. You should follow the citation guidelines provided by instructors or publication editors as appropriate. Unless you're citing a specific USGS publication, the author of a USGS website is almost always "U.S. Geological Survey." Also acceptable: "United States Geological Survey" or "USGS." Most USGS informational websites are...
Where can I get metadata for The National Map products and services?
Metadata for The National Map products and services is available through the following sources: In The National Map Viewer , click on the "Layer List" icon above the map, then click on the three dots to the right of the layer and select "Description" in the dropdown menu. Most layers in the Viewer are also available as Download s and/or Services . In The National Map Download Client , after...
Where can I find metadata for USGS products?
Metadata links are included with all individual files listed in our Science Data Catalog . USGS data that predate 2000 might not have metadata . Metadata for Publications Metadata for publications (bibliographic information) authored by USGS scientists are in the USGS Publications Warehouse . Metadata for The National Map Products and Services In The National Map Viewer , click on the "Layer List"...
Are there metadata files for USGS topographic maps?
GeoPDF files for both Historical Topographic maps (produced 1884-2006), US Topo maps (produced 2009-present), and OnDemand Topo maps come with an XML metadata file attached to each GeoPDF file. To access the metadata file, download the GeoPDF file, open it in Acrobat Reader, click on the paperclip icon, then select a file from the list that appears (US Topo maps also come with a Map Symbols...
How do I download The National Map data products?
Download or access The National Map data products via several applications and websites: The National Map Download Client – The primary site for data downloads. See the training videos (lessons 4a-4d) or click the Help link at the top of the Downloader for detailed instructions. LidarExplorer – Lidar Point Cloud data only. See where lidar is available, get a list of downloadable products, and...
How can I submit a question or report issues regarding The National Map products and services?
Submit questions about The National Map products or report issues to The National Map service desk at: tnm_help@usgs.gov
What are the Terms of Use/Licensing for map services and data from The National Map?
Map services and data downloaded from The National Map are free and in the public domain. There are no restrictions; however, we request that the following acknowledgment statement of the originating agency be included in products and data derived from our map services when citing, copying, or reprinting: "Map services and data available from U.S. Geological Survey, National Geospatial Program."...
What sources were used for imagery in The National Map services?
Sources for orthoimagery in The National Map services : World view to 1:2,300,000 - NASA Blue Marble Next Generation (BMNG) 1:1,150,000 to 1:289,000 - A subset of the Global Land Survey 2000 (Landsat) Scales larger than 1:289,000 - primarily the National Agriculture Imagery Program (NAIP). The data is 1-meter pixel resolution flown during "leaf-on" conditions. Collection of NAIP imagery is...
Lesson 5: Using The National Map Web Services in ArcMap - This video provides an overview and demonstrates how to use The National Map's web services in a mapping application.
User's guide for the national hydrography dataset plus (NHDPlus) high resolution
The National Map—New data delivery homepage, advanced viewer, lidar visualization
The National Map seamless digital elevation model specifications
How should I cite a USGS website or publication?
The USGS does not require a specific format when citing our websites. You should follow the citation guidelines provided by instructors or publication editors as appropriate. Unless you're citing a specific USGS publication, the author of a USGS website is almost always "U.S. Geological Survey." Also acceptable: "United States Geological Survey" or "USGS." Most USGS informational websites are...
Where can I get metadata for The National Map products and services?
Metadata for The National Map products and services is available through the following sources: In The National Map Viewer , click on the "Layer List" icon above the map, then click on the three dots to the right of the layer and select "Description" in the dropdown menu. Most layers in the Viewer are also available as Download s and/or Services . In The National Map Download Client , after...
Where can I find metadata for USGS products?
Metadata links are included with all individual files listed in our Science Data Catalog . USGS data that predate 2000 might not have metadata . Metadata for Publications Metadata for publications (bibliographic information) authored by USGS scientists are in the USGS Publications Warehouse . Metadata for The National Map Products and Services In The National Map Viewer , click on the "Layer List"...
Are there metadata files for USGS topographic maps?
GeoPDF files for both Historical Topographic maps (produced 1884-2006), US Topo maps (produced 2009-present), and OnDemand Topo maps come with an XML metadata file attached to each GeoPDF file. To access the metadata file, download the GeoPDF file, open it in Acrobat Reader, click on the paperclip icon, then select a file from the list that appears (US Topo maps also come with a Map Symbols...
How do I download The National Map data products?
Download or access The National Map data products via several applications and websites: The National Map Download Client – The primary site for data downloads. See the training videos (lessons 4a-4d) or click the Help link at the top of the Downloader for detailed instructions. LidarExplorer – Lidar Point Cloud data only. See where lidar is available, get a list of downloadable products, and...
How can I submit a question or report issues regarding The National Map products and services?
Submit questions about The National Map products or report issues to The National Map service desk at: tnm_help@usgs.gov
What are the Terms of Use/Licensing for map services and data from The National Map?
Map services and data downloaded from The National Map are free and in the public domain. There are no restrictions; however, we request that the following acknowledgment statement of the originating agency be included in products and data derived from our map services when citing, copying, or reprinting: "Map services and data available from U.S. Geological Survey, National Geospatial Program."...
What sources were used for imagery in The National Map services?
Sources for orthoimagery in The National Map services : World view to 1:2,300,000 - NASA Blue Marble Next Generation (BMNG) 1:1,150,000 to 1:289,000 - A subset of the Global Land Survey 2000 (Landsat) Scales larger than 1:289,000 - primarily the National Agriculture Imagery Program (NAIP). The data is 1-meter pixel resolution flown during "leaf-on" conditions. Collection of NAIP imagery is...
Lesson 5: Using The National Map Web Services in ArcMap - This video provides an overview and demonstrates how to use The National Map's web services in a mapping application.
Lesson 5: Using The National Map Web Services in ArcMap - This video provides an overview and demonstrates how to use The National Map's web services in a mapping application.