Fire Potential Index map for October 10, 2018.
Fire Potential Index map for October 10, 2018.
This map takes into account both probability of ignition and conditional probability of spread (to 500+ acres in East and 1000+ acres in West*) given ignition.
This map takes into account both probability of ignition and conditional probability of spread (to 500+ acres in East and 1000+ acres in West*) given ignition.
The FPI is most similar to the Energy Release Component of the National Fire Danger Rating System in that both are moisture related indexes and neither indicates the effect of wind on fire potential.
The FPI is most similar to the Energy Release Component of the National Fire Danger Rating System in that both are moisture related indexes and neither indicates the effect of wind on fire potential.
This map takes into account both probability of ignition and conditional probability of spread (to 500+ acres in East and 1000+ acres in West*) given ignition.
This map takes into account both probability of ignition and conditional probability of spread (to 500+ acres in East and 1000+ acres in West*) given ignition.

Summary of Fires by GACC Units: For the week of 08/29/2018
Summary of Fires by GACC Units: For the week of 08/29/2018
Washington DC EPA High Oblique (E-1569-99CT), circa 1983. EROS History Project
Washington DC EPA High Oblique (E-1569-99CT), circa 1983. EROS History Project
10th Anniversary speech by Al Schock, the president of the Sioux Falls Chamber of Commerce. EROS History Project
10th Anniversary speech by Al Schock, the president of the Sioux Falls Chamber of Commerce. EROS History Project
EROS Data Center Chief, Al Watkins, welcomes community guests to the 10th Anniversary celebration. EROS History Project
EROS Data Center Chief, Al Watkins, welcomes community guests to the 10th Anniversary celebration. EROS History Project
10th Anniversary celebration crowd. EROS History Project
10th Anniversary celebration crowd. EROS History Project