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September 13, 2022

Parasite Ecology of North American and Europe

Researcher Deploying Minnow Traps in Lake Erie
Great Lakes Science Center fisheries technician Stacey Ireland deploying minnow traps in western Lake Erie to collect fishes for the parasite research team. Photo credit Ed Roseman USGS GLSC. 

The Great Lakes Science Center hosted fish parasite researchers Dr. Markéta Ondračková, along with several students and colleagues from the Institute of Vertebrate Biology, Czech Academy of Sciences located in Brno, Czech Republic, and Dr. Sean Meagher from Western Illinois University during the week of July 18-22. They were assisted by Stacey Ireland, Kevin Keeler, and Dr. Ed Roseman (GLSC, Ann Arbor, Michigan) and staff from the Michigan Department of Natural Resources Lake St. Clair Fisheries Research Station who helped collect fishes from lakes St. Clair and Erie for parasite research. The research project is focused on parasite ecology of North American Pumpkinseed Sunfish, suckers, and minnow species to compare with native European fishes and North American species that are invasive in Europe. Additional details of Dr. Ondračková’s research can be found on her website:

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