Selected Water-Quality Regulation Resources for the Koocanusa Watershed in the United States and Canada
The United States, Canada, the States of Montana and Idaho, and Province of British Columbia all have different regulatory levels for the selenium, nitrate, and sulfate that affect the rivers and lakes in the Kootenei Basin. Links to those entities’ web pages describing the different regulations are provided to help provide perspective to the results of this study.
Standards and Regulations in the United States:
- Montana and Idaho DEQ information: Selenium_WrittenFindings_Final.pdf (
- Establishing Selenium Standards for the Kootenai River and Lake Koocanusa that Best Protect Aquatic Life (
- Standards | Montana DEQ (
- Montana Department of Environmental Quality. Final 2018 Water Quality Integrated Report; ; 2018. (accessed April 4, 2022).
- Administrative Rules of Montana. Selenium standards for Lake Koocanusa and the Kootenai River; Montana Department of Environmental Quality, 2020. (accessed February 9, 2023).
- Montana Department of Environmental Quality. Derivation of a site-specific water column selenium standard for Lake Koocanusa, Montana. Helena, MT: Montana Dept. of Enviornmental Quality; Helena, MT, 2020.
Standards and Regulations in Canada:
- Elk Valley Water Quality Hub (
- bc_moe_se_wqg.pdf (
- Waste discharge authorization: Authorization management system, authorization #107517.
- British Columbia Ministry of Environment. Ambient water quality guidelines for selenium technical report update; Water Protection and Sustainability Branch, 2014.
- Environment and Climate Change Canada. Canadian environmental protection act, 1999 federal environmental quality guidelines: Selenium; 2022.
Below are projects associated with this information.
Growth of coal mining operations in the Elk River Valley linked to increasing transport of selenium, nitrate, and sulfate into Lake Koocanusa
Input Files and WRTDS Model Output for the two major tributaries of Lake Koocanusa
Selenium in the Kootenai River Basin, Montana and Idaho, United States, and British Columbia, Canada
Understanding and documenting the scientific basis of selenium ecological protection in support of site-specific guidelines development for Lake Koocanusa, Montana, U.S.A., and British Columbia, Canada
The United States, Canada, the States of Montana and Idaho, and Province of British Columbia all have different regulatory levels for the selenium, nitrate, and sulfate that affect the rivers and lakes in the Kootenei Basin. Links to those entities’ web pages describing the different regulations are provided to help provide perspective to the results of this study.
Standards and Regulations in the United States:
- Montana and Idaho DEQ information: Selenium_WrittenFindings_Final.pdf (
- Establishing Selenium Standards for the Kootenai River and Lake Koocanusa that Best Protect Aquatic Life (
- Standards | Montana DEQ (
- Montana Department of Environmental Quality. Final 2018 Water Quality Integrated Report; ; 2018. (accessed April 4, 2022).
- Administrative Rules of Montana. Selenium standards for Lake Koocanusa and the Kootenai River; Montana Department of Environmental Quality, 2020. (accessed February 9, 2023).
- Montana Department of Environmental Quality. Derivation of a site-specific water column selenium standard for Lake Koocanusa, Montana. Helena, MT: Montana Dept. of Enviornmental Quality; Helena, MT, 2020.
Standards and Regulations in Canada:
- Elk Valley Water Quality Hub (
- bc_moe_se_wqg.pdf (
- Waste discharge authorization: Authorization management system, authorization #107517.
- British Columbia Ministry of Environment. Ambient water quality guidelines for selenium technical report update; Water Protection and Sustainability Branch, 2014.
- Environment and Climate Change Canada. Canadian environmental protection act, 1999 federal environmental quality guidelines: Selenium; 2022.
Below are projects associated with this information.