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Data from Common Murre Die-off Surveys and Necropsies Following the North Pacific Marine Heatwave, 2015-2016

January 14, 2020

These data are in two tables relating to a die-off of Common Murres in the north Pacific, 2015-2016. The tables provide: 1) beach survey locations, date, time, distance surveyed (kilometers), and number of Common Murre carcasses observed during surveys conducted along the coastline of Alaska to document the 2015-2016 die-off of Common Murres coincident with the North Pacific marine heatwave, and 2) Common Murre necropsy results from carcasses collected during the die-off, including: bird identification number, collection date, collection location, and body and tissues measurements.

Publication Year 2020
Title Data from Common Murre Die-off Surveys and Necropsies Following the North Pacific Marine Heatwave, 2015-2016
DOI 10.5066/P9E8RE9I
Authors Sarah K Schoen, John F Piatt, Mayumi Arimitsu
Product Type Data Release
Record Source USGS Asset Identifier Service (AIS)
USGS Organization Alaska Science Center
Rights This work is marked with CC0 1.0 Universal
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