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Supplemental stream-stage, discharge, and Escherichia coli datasets used in the assessment of water quality at Tumaccori National Historical Park and the Upper Santa Cruz River, 20092017

October 12, 2017

Tumaccori National Historical Park (TUMA) was established in 1908 to protect, preserve, and communicate the history of the old Spanish and Oodham mission church. In 2002, Congress expanded the Parks purpose and mission, increasing the Parks area to include more than 1 mile of the Santa Cruz River and its associated riparian area. As part of the USGSNPS Water-Quality Partnership, a three year investigation was conducted to provide TUMA with a better understanding of the spatial and temporal variability of Escherichia coli (E. coli) concentrations and sources within and upstream of the Park. The supplemental data release includes stream-stage datasets collected by the USGS using pressure transducers and effluent-discharge and E. coli concentration data collected by the U.S. International Boundary and Water Commission.

E. coli and effluent-discharge:
E. coli concentration and effluent-discharge data were collected by U.S. International Boundary and Water Commission at the Nogales International Wastewater Treatment Plant outfall (SC6, 312724110580501). The E. coli data at this site were collected for the period of June 1, 2009 to March 31, 2015 and effluent-discharge were collected for the period of Octorber 1, 2012 to Octorber 31, 2016.

The stream-stage data was collected at 10 locations using non-vented Solinst 3001 Leveloggers during the period of February, 2015 to December, 2016. The data were logged continuously at a 15-minute interval and manually downloaded. Non-vented pressure transducers do not correct for the atmospheric pressure, therefore, data were corrected for barometric pressure using a Solinst 3001 Barologger located in the gage house at the Santa Cruz River at Tubac location (SC14, 09481740). The Leveloggers were fastened to a metal stake within the stream channel or mounted to a bridge pier.

Stream-stage datasets and period of collection are provided for the following stations:
Nogales Wash at Ruby Road (NW8, 312551110573901) 02/12/201512/31/2016
Santa Cruz River near Nogales International Wastewater Treatment Plant Upstream of Railroad Trestle (SC5, 312733110581401) 02/12/201512/31/2016
Santa Cruz River at Palo Parado Bridge (SC9, 313148111011101) 02/12/20155/16/2015
Santa Cruz River at Santa Gertrudis Lane (SC10, 313343110024701) 02/12/201512/31/2016
Santa Cruz River at Tumaccori Downstream Site (SC11, 313413111024400) 06/16/201606/24/2016
Santa Cruz River at Anza Trail Crossing (SC12, 313436111025101) 05/31/201612/31/2016
Sonoita Creek Canyon near Rio Rico, Arizona (SON2, 312750110582801) 10/19/201512/31/2016
Agua Fria Canyon near Rio Rico, Arizona (AF2, 312843111000201) 10/7/201512/31/2016
Peck Canyon near Nogales, Arizona (PC1, 313040111004601) 10/7/201512/31/2016
Josephine Canyon near Tumaccori (JC1, 313307111020201) 10/7/201512/31/2016
Santa Cruz River at Tubac, Barrologger (SC14, 09481740) 02/12/20155/16/2015

Publication Year 2017
Title Supplemental stream-stage, discharge, and Escherichia coli datasets used in the assessment of water quality at Tumaccori National Historical Park and the Upper Santa Cruz River, 20092017
DOI 10.5066/F73776ZN
Authors Nicholas V Paretti, Alissa L Coes, Christopher M Kephart, Justine P Mayo
Product Type Data Release
Record Source USGS Asset Identifier Service (AIS)
USGS Organization Arizona Water Science Center, Tucson Office
Rights This work is marked with CC0 1.0 Universal
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