Marinna Martini prepares to deploy a NIMBBLE from the R/V Connecticut
Detailed Description
Marinna Martini prepares to deploy a NIMBBLE from the R/V Connecticut south of Martha's Vineyard
Public Domain.
Coastal and Estuarine Dynamics - Engineering
The Coastal and Estuarine Dynamics Project primarily uses off-the-shelf instrumentation and sensors to collect observations. Coastal and Estuarine Dynamics team designs and implements novel configurations for logging of data from sensors, and for deployment of these instruments in a wide range of estuarine, coastal, and ocean environments. Project staff continually evaluates instrument and sensor...
Coastal and Estuarine Dynamics- Equipment
The Coastal and Estuarine Dynamics Project maintains an extensive and diverse inventory of instruments for measuring oceanographic parameters in-situ over long periods of time (a few days to as long as one year) and platforms on which to deploy the instruments in estuarine, coastal, and deep ocean environments. These instruments measure a wide variety of parameters relevant to studies of sediment...
Coastal and Estuarine Dynamics - Engineering
The Coastal and Estuarine Dynamics Project primarily uses off-the-shelf instrumentation and sensors to collect observations. Coastal and Estuarine Dynamics team designs and implements novel configurations for logging of data from sensors, and for deployment of these instruments in a wide range of estuarine, coastal, and ocean environments. Project staff continually evaluates instrument and sensor...
Coastal and Estuarine Dynamics- Equipment
The Coastal and Estuarine Dynamics Project maintains an extensive and diverse inventory of instruments for measuring oceanographic parameters in-situ over long periods of time (a few days to as long as one year) and platforms on which to deploy the instruments in estuarine, coastal, and deep ocean environments. These instruments measure a wide variety of parameters relevant to studies of sediment...