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Monitoring Suspended Sediment and Flow along the Mississippi River: Episode 3B

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(Episode 3, Part B) In this video segment, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Lower Mississippi Gulf Water Science Center (LMGWSC) scientists give a detailed description of how the USGS deploys heavy samplers to collect discrete water samples for suspended sediment, and bed material on large rivers like the Mississippi River. Two locations are visited: Vicksburg, Mississippi, and Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Four different samplers are demonstrated: US D-99, US D-96, US P-6-200, and the US BM-54. Detailed descriptions of the mechanics of bag-type samplers, and point samplers are discussed, and how these samplers are used by the USGS to collect depth integrated water samples along the lower Mississippi River.

Created as part of the Memorandum of Understanding between the USGS and the National Water Agency and Geological Survey of Brazil to support sediment and flow monitoring practices in Brazil.




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