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The USGS Kentucky office hosted their third annual cooperator meeting on April 18, 2019 and the Indiana office hosted their second cooperator meeting on April 23, 2019.  OKI Staff gave presentations and technolgy demonstrations for an audience of local, state, and federal cooperators and USGS staff.

The USGS Ohio office will host their first cooperator meeting in 2020.

The meetings kicked off with a welcome and introductions. Water Science Center staff made presentations on surface water, groundwater, water quality, StreamStats, RVRMeander Model, super gage/mobile super gage/surrogate gages, sediment source tracking, history of the USGS, Western Lake Erie Basin monitoring, the National Water Quality program, the new Water Mission Area Priorities, and the capabilities and current/future studies of the Ohio-Kentucky-Indiana Microbiology laboratory. Photos from the meetings can be viewed in our Multimedia gallery [Hint: use these filter options - media=Image, year=2019, or using the Search tool use this phrase 'OKI 2019 Cooperator meeting'].

After an eat-in lunch, the attendees were broken into smaller groups and provided the opportunity to attend a variety of  technology transfer stations setup throughout the offices.

Kentucky Cooperator Meeting

Pete Cinotto 2019 cooperator meeting


Indiana Cooperator Meeting


Technology Demonstrations (Kentucky Afternoon Agenda)

Neal Craig Technology demonstration at the OKI 2019 cooperator meeting
Flood measurements - Learn how to measure floodwaters with old and new technologies (Neal Craig)
Dave Lampe - OKI 2019 Cooperator Meeting
Groundwater - Learn how to measure groundwater levels (Dave Lampe)
Angie Crain - OKI 2019 Cooperator Meeting
Water Quality - Learn how to measure/sample water quality [clean hands vs dirty hands] (Angie Crain)
Gary Martin - OKI 2019 Cooperator Meeting
Flood measurements - Learn how to generate USGS StreamStats reports for your locations (Gary Martin)
Chris Kephart - OKI 2019 Cooperator Meeting
Ohio Microbiology Lab - Learn about qPCR and more (Chris Kephart)


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