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A group of researchers from across the USGS presented on, “Ocean, Coasts and Climate: Applying Science for Effective Management Strategies” to highlight how USGS is providing science to support DOI’s Blue Portfolio.

The ocean plays a key role in Earth’s changing climate conditions. While there are increasing threats posed by extreme storms, sea-level rise, coastal erosion, loss of coastal ecosystems, and changes to global currents and circulation patterns, there are also ways the ocean can help solve or mitigate climate changes and related impacts. For Ocean Month, we highlighted topics from across DOI’s extensive ‘Blue Portfolio’ to demonstrate how we are advancing and applying science to address climate change impacts across the Department. The recently published Ocean Climate Action Plan outlines actions that the U.S. is taking to mitigate climate change impacts as well as harness the power of the ocean to address them.

DOI’s Bureaus have many and diverse stewardship responsibilities for managing vital ocean and coastal resources and are critical partners for fulfilling the goals outlined in the Plan. Learn more about how we are advancing our science to support ocean climate actions, management strategies and policies.

Learn how USGS and DOI partners are advancing our knowledge of the intersections between Ocean, Coasts, and Climate to help stakeholders develop effective management strategies. The DOI Office of Policy Analysis (PPA) seminar is part of a regular public seminar series that showcases recent work and achievements that contribute to DOI’s mission.


Watch the recording of our Ocean, Coasts, and Climate panel:

  • Deep Sea Science to Support National Ocean Mapping, Exploration and Characterization (NOMEC)
    Amanda Demopoulos (USGS) and Mark Mueller (BOEM)
  • Applied Science for Managing Blue Carbon
    Kevin Kroeger (USGS) and Tim Smith (NPS)
  • Science to Prepare for Coastal Change
    Erika Lentz and Elizabeth Pendleton (USGS), Amanda Babson and James Nyman (NPS)


Graphic advertising Department of the Interior Policy Analysis Seminar, "Ocean, Coasts, and Climate..." on June 13 at 12pm ET
Promotional graphic for Department of the Interior Policy Analysis Seminar, “DOI's Blue Portfolio: Ocean, Coasts and Climate: Applying Science for Effective Management Strategies” June 13, 12:00 p.m. EDT  Photo: Sunset over King Range National Conservation Area, CA


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