Slumgullion Landslide
Near Lake City, CO
Oso Landslide
Oso, WA
La Conchita Landslide
La Conchita, CA
When and where will landslides happen? How far will they go, how big and how fast will they be?
These questions are difficult to answer because many factors contribute to landslide occurrence, magnitude, and mobility; some factors remain unknown, while nearly all are very difficult to quantify and account for. Researchers use surface, subsurface, remote sensing, and laboratory observations along with mathematical analyses to improve models aimed at answering these simple yet critical questions.

See where we and our partners are monitoring
Puerto Rico Landslide Monitoring Network (
Slides PR Network (University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez)
Check out some inventory and hazard maps
Learn how we learn
Map data from landslides triggered by Hurricane Maria in a section of Naranjito, Puerto Rico
Map data from landslides triggered by Hurricane Maria in three study areas in the Lares Municipality, Puerto Rico
When and where will landslides happen? How far will they go, how big and how fast will they be?
These questions are difficult to answer because many factors contribute to landslide occurrence, magnitude, and mobility; some factors remain unknown, while nearly all are very difficult to quantify and account for. Researchers use surface, subsurface, remote sensing, and laboratory observations along with mathematical analyses to improve models aimed at answering these simple yet critical questions.

See where we and our partners are monitoring
Puerto Rico Landslide Monitoring Network (
Slides PR Network (University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez)
Check out some inventory and hazard maps