Ben Mirus
My research focuses on landslide hydrology and thresholds for landslide warning systems. My background is in hillslope hydrology and numerical modeling of surface and near-surface hydrological processes, which I apply to improve quantitative characterization of landslide initiation potential. I manage several real-time landslide monitoring sites and the national landslide inventory database.
2015-present Research Geologist, Landslides Hazards Program, USGS, Golden, CO
2013-2014 Assistant Professor, Department of Geological Sciences, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC
2010-2013 Hydrologist, Unsaturated Zone Flow Project, USGS, Menlo Park, CA
2005-2009 Physical Scientist, Unsaturated Zone Flow Project, USGS, Menlo Park, CA
2009 Ph.D. in Hydrogeology, Stanford University, Stanford, CA
2001 B.A. in Geology, Pomona College, Claremont, CA
Science and Products
National Landslide Hazards Maps (NLHM)
Landslide Mechanisms and Forecasting
Sitka, AK
Seattle Area, Washington
Portland, Oregon
Knife Ridge, Elliott State Forest, Oregon
Poplar Cove, Nantahala National Forest, North Carolina
Mooney Gap, Coweeta Experimental Forest, North Carolina
Bent Creek Experimental Forest, North Carolina
Landslides Can Cause More Landslides
Integrating Disparate Spatial Datasets from Local to National Scale for Open-Access Web-Based Visualization and Analysis: A Case Study Compiling U.S. Landslide Inventories
Slope-Relief Threshold Landslide Susceptibility Models for the United States and Puerto Rico
Hydrologic monitoring data in steep, landslide-prone terrain, Sitka, Alaska, USA
Landslide Inventories across the United States version 2
Hydrologic, slope movement, and soil property data from the coastal bluffs of the Atlantic Highlands, New Jersey, 2016-2018
Soil moisture monitoring following the 2009 Station Fire, California, USA, 2016-2019
Hillslope hydrologic monitoring data following Hurricane Maria in 2017, Puerto Rico, July 2018 to June 2020
Time-lapse photography of an active coastal-bluff landslide, Mukilteo, Washington, August 2015 - May 2016
Hillslope hydrologic monitoring data following the 2009 Station Fire, Los Angeles County, California, November 2015 to June 2017
Results of Hydrologic Monitoring on Landslide-prone Coastal Bluffs near Mukilteo, Washington
Lab tests for specimens from Mukilteo, WA, 2016
A benchmark dataset and workflow for landslide susceptibility zonation
Parsimonious high-resolution landslide susceptibility modeling at continental scales
RegionGrow3D: A deterministic analysis for characterizing discrete three-dimensional landslide source areas on a regional scale
Constraining mean landslide occurrence rates for non-temporal landslide inventories using high-resolution elevation data
Debris-flow entrainment modelling under climate change: Considering antecedent moisture conditions along the flow path
Slope Unit Maker (SUMak): An efficient and parameter-free algorithm for delineating slope units to improve landslide modeling
Hydrologisch informierte Murgangmodellierung mit RAMMS Kann das Erosionsverhalten von Murgängen anhand der Sättigungsbedindungen vorhergesagt werden?
Landslide initiation thresholds in data-sparse regions: Application to landslide early warning criteria in Sitka, Alaska, USA
Mapping landslide susceptibility over large regions with limited data
Prolonged influence of urbanization on landslide susceptibility
National strategy for landslide loss reduction
Constructing a large-scale landslide database across heterogeneous environments using task-specific model updates
Non-USGS Publications**
**Disclaimer: The views expressed in Non-USGS publications are those of the author and do not represent the views of the USGS, Department of the Interior, or the U.S. Government.
U.S. Landslide Inventory and Susceptibility Map
Science and Products
National Landslide Hazards Maps (NLHM)
Landslide Mechanisms and Forecasting
Sitka, AK
Seattle Area, Washington
Portland, Oregon
Knife Ridge, Elliott State Forest, Oregon
Poplar Cove, Nantahala National Forest, North Carolina
Mooney Gap, Coweeta Experimental Forest, North Carolina
Bent Creek Experimental Forest, North Carolina
Landslides Can Cause More Landslides
Integrating Disparate Spatial Datasets from Local to National Scale for Open-Access Web-Based Visualization and Analysis: A Case Study Compiling U.S. Landslide Inventories
Slope-Relief Threshold Landslide Susceptibility Models for the United States and Puerto Rico
Hydrologic monitoring data in steep, landslide-prone terrain, Sitka, Alaska, USA
Landslide Inventories across the United States version 2
Hydrologic, slope movement, and soil property data from the coastal bluffs of the Atlantic Highlands, New Jersey, 2016-2018
Soil moisture monitoring following the 2009 Station Fire, California, USA, 2016-2019
Hillslope hydrologic monitoring data following Hurricane Maria in 2017, Puerto Rico, July 2018 to June 2020
Time-lapse photography of an active coastal-bluff landslide, Mukilteo, Washington, August 2015 - May 2016
Hillslope hydrologic monitoring data following the 2009 Station Fire, Los Angeles County, California, November 2015 to June 2017
Results of Hydrologic Monitoring on Landslide-prone Coastal Bluffs near Mukilteo, Washington
Lab tests for specimens from Mukilteo, WA, 2016
A benchmark dataset and workflow for landslide susceptibility zonation
Parsimonious high-resolution landslide susceptibility modeling at continental scales
RegionGrow3D: A deterministic analysis for characterizing discrete three-dimensional landslide source areas on a regional scale
Constraining mean landslide occurrence rates for non-temporal landslide inventories using high-resolution elevation data
Debris-flow entrainment modelling under climate change: Considering antecedent moisture conditions along the flow path
Slope Unit Maker (SUMak): An efficient and parameter-free algorithm for delineating slope units to improve landslide modeling
Hydrologisch informierte Murgangmodellierung mit RAMMS Kann das Erosionsverhalten von Murgängen anhand der Sättigungsbedindungen vorhergesagt werden?
Landslide initiation thresholds in data-sparse regions: Application to landslide early warning criteria in Sitka, Alaska, USA
Mapping landslide susceptibility over large regions with limited data
Prolonged influence of urbanization on landslide susceptibility
National strategy for landslide loss reduction
Constructing a large-scale landslide database across heterogeneous environments using task-specific model updates
Non-USGS Publications**
**Disclaimer: The views expressed in Non-USGS publications are those of the author and do not represent the views of the USGS, Department of the Interior, or the U.S. Government.