William Schulz
I have worked as a research geologist in the Landslide Hazards Program of the U.S. Geological Survey since 2002.
Prior to that, I worked in the private sector in California and Wisconsin, mostly investigating landslides and seismogenic ground displacement. My research primarily focuses on understanding conditions that result in the diverse characteristics of landslide motion, although I am also very interested in understanding controls of the onset of landslide movement and reactivation. My work includes characterizing and monitoring landslides in the field, laboratory testing, mathematical modeling, and assessing landslide hazards.
Education and Certifications
University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, B.S., 1994, Geology
Purdue University, M.S., 1996, Engineering Geology
Kyoto University, Ph.D., 2020, Engineering Geology
Science and Products
Landslide Mechanisms and Forecasting
Puerto Rico Landslide Monitoring Network
Puerto Rico Natural Hazards: Landslides | Peligros naturales de Puerto Rico: Deslizamientos de tierra
Rainfall-Induced Landslides in Puerto Rico
Slow-Motion Landslides
Results from dynamic cone penetration testing of soils on the Utuado Batholith, upland and dissected terrains, Puerto Rico – March 2022
Field observations of landslides and related materials following Hurricane Maria, Puerto Rico
Map data from landslides triggered by Hurricane Maria in select areas of San Lorenzo, Puerto Rico
Map data from landslides triggered by Hurricane Maria in two study areas in the Las Marías Municipality, Puerto Rico
Model input and output data covering Lares Municipio, Utuado Municipio, and Naranjito Municipio, Puerto Rico, for landslide initiation susceptibility assessment after Hurricane Maria
Modified basal contact of the Tertiary Lares Limestone in the vicinity of Utuado, Puerto Rico, USA, derived from USGS Open-File Report 98-038
Map data from landslides triggered by Hurricane Maria in the greater karst region of northwest Puerto Rico
Map data from landslides triggered by Hurricane Maria in four study areas in the Utuado Municipality, Puerto Rico
Geographic Information System Layer of a Map Depicting Susceptibility to Landslides Triggered by Intense Rainfall, Puerto Rico
Slow-moving landslides near the U.S. West Coast mapped from ALOS and ALOS-2 InSAR, 2007-2019
Map data from landslides triggered by Hurricane Maria in a section of Naranjito, Puerto Rico
Map data from landslides triggered by Hurricane Maria in three study areas in the Lares Municipality, Puerto Rico
Assessing locations susceptible to shallow landslide initiation during prolonged intense rainfall in the Lares, Utuado, and Naranjito municipalities of Puerto Rico
Landslides triggered by the 2002 M 7.9 Denali Fault earthquake, Alaska, USA
Geologic controls of slow-moving landslides near the U.S. West Coast
When hazard avoidance is not an option: Lessons learned from monitoring the postdisaster Oso landslide, USA
High-resolution soil-moisture maps over landslide regions in northern California grassland derived From SAR backscattering coefficients
Landslide guide for residents of Puerto Rico
Twelve-year dynamics and rainfall thresholds for alternating creep and rapid movement of the Hooskanaden landslide from integrating InSAR, pixel offset tracking, and borehole and hydrological measurements
Mobility characteristics of landslides triggered by Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico
Four-dimensional surface motions of the Slumgullion landslide and quantification of hydrometeorological forcing
Map depicting susceptibility to landslides triggered by intense rainfall, Puerto Rico
Landslides in Puerto Rico range from nuisances to deadly events. Centuries of agricultural and urban modification of the landscape have perturbed many already unstable hillsides on the tropical island. One of the main triggers of mass wasting on the island is the high-intensity rainfall that is associated with tropical atmospheric systems. Puerto Rico’s geographic position and rugged topography re
Using a dense seismic array to determine structure and site effects of the Two Towers earthflow in northern California
Widespread initiation, reactivation, and acceleration of landslides in the northern California Coast Ranges due to extreme rainfall
Science and Products
Landslide Mechanisms and Forecasting
Puerto Rico Landslide Monitoring Network
Puerto Rico Natural Hazards: Landslides | Peligros naturales de Puerto Rico: Deslizamientos de tierra
Rainfall-Induced Landslides in Puerto Rico
Slow-Motion Landslides
Results from dynamic cone penetration testing of soils on the Utuado Batholith, upland and dissected terrains, Puerto Rico – March 2022
Field observations of landslides and related materials following Hurricane Maria, Puerto Rico
Map data from landslides triggered by Hurricane Maria in select areas of San Lorenzo, Puerto Rico
Map data from landslides triggered by Hurricane Maria in two study areas in the Las Marías Municipality, Puerto Rico
Model input and output data covering Lares Municipio, Utuado Municipio, and Naranjito Municipio, Puerto Rico, for landslide initiation susceptibility assessment after Hurricane Maria
Modified basal contact of the Tertiary Lares Limestone in the vicinity of Utuado, Puerto Rico, USA, derived from USGS Open-File Report 98-038
Map data from landslides triggered by Hurricane Maria in the greater karst region of northwest Puerto Rico
Map data from landslides triggered by Hurricane Maria in four study areas in the Utuado Municipality, Puerto Rico
Geographic Information System Layer of a Map Depicting Susceptibility to Landslides Triggered by Intense Rainfall, Puerto Rico
Slow-moving landslides near the U.S. West Coast mapped from ALOS and ALOS-2 InSAR, 2007-2019
Map data from landslides triggered by Hurricane Maria in a section of Naranjito, Puerto Rico
Map data from landslides triggered by Hurricane Maria in three study areas in the Lares Municipality, Puerto Rico
Assessing locations susceptible to shallow landslide initiation during prolonged intense rainfall in the Lares, Utuado, and Naranjito municipalities of Puerto Rico
Landslides triggered by the 2002 M 7.9 Denali Fault earthquake, Alaska, USA
Geologic controls of slow-moving landslides near the U.S. West Coast
When hazard avoidance is not an option: Lessons learned from monitoring the postdisaster Oso landslide, USA
High-resolution soil-moisture maps over landslide regions in northern California grassland derived From SAR backscattering coefficients
Landslide guide for residents of Puerto Rico
Twelve-year dynamics and rainfall thresholds for alternating creep and rapid movement of the Hooskanaden landslide from integrating InSAR, pixel offset tracking, and borehole and hydrological measurements
Mobility characteristics of landslides triggered by Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico
Four-dimensional surface motions of the Slumgullion landslide and quantification of hydrometeorological forcing
Map depicting susceptibility to landslides triggered by intense rainfall, Puerto Rico
Landslides in Puerto Rico range from nuisances to deadly events. Centuries of agricultural and urban modification of the landscape have perturbed many already unstable hillsides on the tropical island. One of the main triggers of mass wasting on the island is the high-intensity rainfall that is associated with tropical atmospheric systems. Puerto Rico’s geographic position and rugged topography re