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Occurrence of water and thermogenic gas from oil-bearing formations in groundwater near the Orcutt Oil Field, California, USA

April 11, 2022

Study region

Santa Barbara County, California, USA.

Study focus

To analyze a wide array of newly collected chemical, isotopic, dissolved gas, and age dating tracers in conjunction with historical data from groundwater and oil wells to determine if water and/or thermogenic gas from oil-bearing formations have mixed with groundwater in the Orcutt Oil Field and surrounding area.

New hydrological insights for the region

Three of 15 groundwater samples had compositions indicating potential mixing with water and/or thermogenic gas from oil-bearing formations. Relevant indicators included salinity tracers (TDS, Cl, Br), NH3, DOC, enriched δ13C-DIC, δ2H-CH4, δ13C-CH4, and δ13C-C2H6 values, and trace amounts of C3-C5 gas. The potential sources/pathways for oil-bearing formation water and/or thermogenic gas in groundwater overlying and adjacent to the Orcutt Oil Field include: (1) upward movement from formations developed for oil production due to: (a) natural migration; or (b) anthropogenic activity such as injection and/or movement along wellbores; and (2) oil and gas shows in overlying non-producing oil-bearing formations. Groundwater age tracers, elevated 4He concentrations, and isotopic compositions of noble gases indicated legacy produced water ponds were not a source. This phase of the study relied on samples and data from existing infrastructure. Additional data on potential end-member compositions from new and existing wells and assessments of potential vertical head gradients and pathways between oil and groundwater zones may yield additional insight.

Publication Year 2022
Title Occurrence of water and thermogenic gas from oil-bearing formations in groundwater near the Orcutt Oil Field, California, USA
DOI 10.1016/j.ejrh.2022.101065
Authors Robert Anders, Matthew K. Landon, Peter B. McMahon, Justin T. Kulongoski, Andrew G. Hunt, Tracy Davis
Publication Type Article
Publication Subtype Journal Article
Series Title Journal of Hydrology-Regional Studies
Index ID 70230697
Record Source USGS Publications Warehouse
USGS Organization California Water Science Center
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