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Widespread occurrence of former anhydrite phenocrysts in Laramide-age magmas related to porphyry-skarn Cu mineralization at Santa Rita and Hanover-Fierro, New Mexico, USA

January 9, 2025

Reports of magmatic anhydrite are relatively rare, with only ~30 occurrences documented worldwide so far. However, magmatic anhydrite saturation is difficult to recognize because anhydrite decomposes rapidly in near-surface environments. In most cases, only anhydrite inclusions shielded within other phenocryst phases were able to survive. Alternatively, since anhydrite phenocrysts preserved in fresh volcanic rocks are characteristically intergrown with apatite phenocrysts, the former presence of anhydrite phenocrysts can be recognized based on the occurrence of lath-shaped cavities that show a strong spatial association with apatite phenocrysts. These cavities can be either empty or filled with low-temperature, secondary minerals such as zeolites, carbonates, or microcrystalline silica. A systematic search for the occurrence of such cavities, combined with optical and Raman-spectroscopic identification of anhydrite inclusions preserved within apatite, hornblende and quartz phenocrysts, demonstrates that most of the Laramide-age magmas associated with the Santa Rita and Hanover-Fierro porphyry-skarn Cu (Zn, Mo, Au, Pb) deposits were saturated in magmatic anhydrite. The anhydrite typically coexisted with monosulfide solid solution (MSS), suggesting oxygen fugacities of ~2.0±0.5 log units above the fayalite-magnetite-quartz buffer. The magmas range from andesitic to rhyodacitic in composition, and from shortly pre-mineralization (~61 Ma) to shortly post-mineralization (~57 Ma) in age. In three samples with particularly well-recognizable former anhydrite phenocrysts, their modal abundance could be quantified based on high-resolution scans of polished hand specimens. The observed modal anhydrite abundances of 0.63–1.8 vol% translate into minimum magma sulfur contents of 0.20–0.56 wt% S. The highest sulfur content of 0.56 wt% S is difficult to reconcile with available anhydrite solubility models, but it could be reproduced in an anhydrite solubility experiment performed at 950 °C and 1.15 GPa on a natural latite containing 13.1 wt% dissolved H2O. The sample with the second-highest sulfur content of 0.26 wt% S requires ~10 wt% H2O in the silicate melt, and, consequently, a minimum pressure of ~0.5 GPa. Taken together, the results suggest that the magmas of the Central Mining District were extremely hydrous and thus originated from great depth. Indeed, their major element compositions and reconstructed H2O and S contents agree well with experimentally observed and numerically predicted compositions of residual silicate melts after 50–70 wt% crystallization of ordinary arc basalts at high pressure and high oxygen fugacities.

Publication Year 2025
Title Widespread occurrence of former anhydrite phenocrysts in Laramide-age magmas related to porphyry-skarn Cu mineralization at Santa Rita and Hanover-Fierro, New Mexico, USA
DOI 10.1093/petrology/egaf002
Authors Andreas Audétat, Jia Chang, Sean Patrick Gaynor
Publication Type Article
Publication Subtype Journal Article
Series Title Journal of Petrology
Index ID 70262091
Record Source USGS Publications Warehouse
USGS Organization Geology, Geophysics, and Geochemistry Science Center
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