Long-Lived, Slow-Growing Corals in Deep Waters of the Gulf of Mexico
Deep-sea coral ecosystems are now widely recognized as biodiversity hotspots.
USGS Analyzing Sea Otter Death Data
These furry predators remain an icon of the California coast, and so when word spreads about a record year for sea otter deaths, it quickly captures the public's attention.
CO2calc—a User-Friendly Seawater-Carbon Calculator for Windows, Mac OS X, and iOS (iPhone)—Will Assist Studies of Ocean Chemistry
With the excellent programming skills of Mark Hansen (USGS, St. Petersburg, Florida) and Stephan Meylan (Jacobs Technology, contracted to the USGS), we developed CO2calc, an easy-to-use app designed for anyone with a PC, Mac, or iPhone. The app is described in USGS Open-File Report 2010-1280.
Message in a Saucer—USGS Drifter Lands on Vancouver Island, Canada, 40 Years After Release
Like a message in a bottle, a yellow disk recently washed up on the shores of Long Beach in Vancouver Island's Pacific Rim National Park Reserve, leading Parks Canada staff to uncover a decades-old story that began near San Francisco's Golden Gate Bridge.
Linking Marine Aquariums to Marine Research and Conservation
The USGS St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center has partnered with the Pier Aquarium in downtown St. Petersburg, Florida, to create a distinctive aquatic display of a mangrove ecosystem with Caribbean corals.
Boston University Marine Program Students Visit the USGS Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science Center
A group of undergraduate students in the Boston University Marine Program (BUMP) visited the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) in Woods Hole, Massachusetts.
South Bay Science Symposium: Research on the Restoration of Salt Ponds in South San Francisco Bay
The South Bay Science Symposium was held at the USGS campus in Menlo Park, California. The USGS is a major player in a partnership of federal, state, and nonprofit organizations working to restore 15,100 acres of industrial salt ponds to a mix of natural tidal marsh, mudflat, and other wetland habitats by about 2058. This project is the largest tidal-wetland-restoration project on the west coast.
New Intern from Sweden Assisting USGS Staff in Florida
The USGS works cooperatively through the National Park Service International Volunteers in Parks (IVIP) Program to facilitate international student exchange in National Parks.
Online Guide Now Available for Diatoms of the United States
An online guide to diatoms of the United States is available, including readily accessible images for identification.
Recent Publications - March 2011
List of recent USGS publications and data releases based on coastal and marine research.