Non-motorized watercraft training practical exercises (canoe rescues) in Buffumville Lake, Oxford, MA
Summer 2022 Photo Contest: Andrew Massey, Honorable Mention category
Andrew J Massey
Andrew Massey is a Supervisory Physical Scientist in the New England Water Science Center.
Andy is the field coordinator for the Surveying/GNSS Team who collect geographic information for FEMA Flood Mapping projects throughout New England. He coordinates the activities of over a dozen Hydrologic Technicians and student employees engaged in data collection using survey-grade GNSS equipment to measure and record precise geographic and topographic data for use in mapping of riverine flood inundation. He is also an ACA certified canoe instructor who provides non-motorized watercraft training for USGS employees who perform field operations via paddlecraft.
Prior to directing the flow of surveying work, Andy conducted GNSS and total station surveying campaigns throughout New England for flood mapping, documentation of high-water marks after flood, and for installation of the SWaTH network along the New England coastline. Andy served as the lead for the SWaTH network installation and deployment coordinator during tropical storms and Nor’easter events impacting the New England coastline.
Andy previously worked with USGS, as a University of Wyoming Graduate Student in the Wyoming Water Science Center, on the Yellowstone River Basin NAWQA study, EMAP Rocky Mountain Pilot study conducted by USGS-WY-WSC, and other water quality and GIS projects. He moved back to New England in 2001 to work with the Cape Cod Toxic Substances Hydrology team, and has been involved with a variety of projects that involve a complex field-data collection component.
Science and Products
Assessment of the presence of sewage in the Mill River under low-flow conditions, Springfield, Massachusetts, 2010–11
The Surge, Wave, and Tide Hydrodynamics (SWaTH) network of the U.S. Geological Survey—Past and future implementation of storm-response monitoring, data collection, and data delivery
Tropical storm Irene flood of August 2011 in northwestern Massachusetts
Determination of dilution factors for discharge of aluminum-containing wastes by public water-supply treatment facilities into lakes and reservoirs in Massachusetts
Storm tide monitoring during the blizzard of January 26-28, 2015, in eastern Massachusetts
Pharmaceutical compounds in Merrimack River water used for public supply, Lowell, Massachusetts, 2008-09
Refinement and evaluation of the Massachusetts firm-yield estimator model version 2.0
Hydrogeology and Simulation of Groundwater Flow in the Plymouth-Carver-Kingston-Duxbury Aquifer System, Southeastern Massachusetts
Distribution and migration of ordnance-related compounds and oxygen and hydrogen stable isotopes in ground water near Snake Pond, Sandwich, Massachusetts
Ground-water levels near the top of the water-table mound, western Cape Cod, Massachusetts, 2002-04
Field tests of nylon-screen diffusion samplers and pushpoint samplers for detection of metals in sediment pore water, Ashland and Clinton, Massachusetts, 2003
Pushpoint sampling for defining spatial and temporal variations in contaminant concentrations in sediment pore water near the ground-water/surface-water interface
Concentrations of metals and other water quality data for the Assabet and Concord Rivers, Massachusetts, 2008
Non-motorized watercraft training practical exercises (canoe rescues) in Buffumville Lake, Oxford, MA
Summer 2022 Photo Contest: Andrew Massey, Honorable Mention category
River ice remains suspended along the bank-full margin, Black River, Weathersfield, Vermont. Note the rip-rap bank stabilization measures installed since Tropical Storm Irene.
River ice remains suspended along the bank-full margin, Black River, Weathersfield, Vermont. Note the rip-rap bank stabilization measures installed since Tropical Storm Irene.
Hydrologic technician operates Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) via canoe on Connecticut River.
Hydrologic technician operates Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) via canoe on Connecticut River.
Hydrologic technician controls the remote data collection from the bow, while the other one paddles the canoe-ADCP rig down the Connecticut river to the next cross-section. Stratford, New Hampshire/Maistone, Vermont.
Hydrologic technician controls the remote data collection from the bow, while the other one paddles the canoe-ADCP rig down the Connecticut river to the next cross-section. Stratford, New Hampshire/Maistone, Vermont.
Hydrologic technicians prepare for Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) measurements on Connecticut River, Maidstone, Vermont.
Hydrologic technicians prepare for Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) measurements on Connecticut River, Maidstone, Vermont.
Hydrologic technicians prepare for an early morning down-river Global Navigational Satellite Systems-Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (GNSS-ADCP) survey campaign to collect cross-section measurements, Connecticut River, Maidstone, Vermont.
Hydrologic technicians prepare for an early morning down-river Global Navigational Satellite Systems-Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (GNSS-ADCP) survey campaign to collect cross-section measurements, Connecticut River, Maidstone, Vermont.
USGS Hydrologic technicians perform Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) cross-section surveying on the Connecticut River, above Janice Peaslee Bridge, near Maidstone, Vermont.
USGS Hydrologic technicians perform Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) cross-section surveying on the Connecticut River, above Janice Peaslee Bridge, near Maidstone, Vermont.
Circa 1928 railroad bridge spans the White River, Royalton, Vermont. This bridge is one of dozens the applied hydrology surveying unit surveyed for modelers for new flood inundation models. The model data are then used to produce flood insurance rate maps for Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).
Circa 1928 railroad bridge spans the White River, Royalton, Vermont. This bridge is one of dozens the applied hydrology surveying unit surveyed for modelers for new flood inundation models. The model data are then used to produce flood insurance rate maps for Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).
Hydrologic technician using a GPS receiver to collect cross-section data for flood surveying on Otter Creek in Rutland, Vermont. A covered bridge is in the background.
Hydrologic technician using a GPS receiver to collect cross-section data for flood surveying on Otter Creek in Rutland, Vermont. A covered bridge is in the background.
Mystic River at Medford, MA in the vicinity of the streamgage station 01103040.
Mystic River at Medford, MA in the vicinity of the streamgage station 01103040.
Science and Products
Assessment of the presence of sewage in the Mill River under low-flow conditions, Springfield, Massachusetts, 2010–11
The Surge, Wave, and Tide Hydrodynamics (SWaTH) network of the U.S. Geological Survey—Past and future implementation of storm-response monitoring, data collection, and data delivery
Tropical storm Irene flood of August 2011 in northwestern Massachusetts
Determination of dilution factors for discharge of aluminum-containing wastes by public water-supply treatment facilities into lakes and reservoirs in Massachusetts
Storm tide monitoring during the blizzard of January 26-28, 2015, in eastern Massachusetts
Pharmaceutical compounds in Merrimack River water used for public supply, Lowell, Massachusetts, 2008-09
Refinement and evaluation of the Massachusetts firm-yield estimator model version 2.0
Hydrogeology and Simulation of Groundwater Flow in the Plymouth-Carver-Kingston-Duxbury Aquifer System, Southeastern Massachusetts
Distribution and migration of ordnance-related compounds and oxygen and hydrogen stable isotopes in ground water near Snake Pond, Sandwich, Massachusetts
Ground-water levels near the top of the water-table mound, western Cape Cod, Massachusetts, 2002-04
Field tests of nylon-screen diffusion samplers and pushpoint samplers for detection of metals in sediment pore water, Ashland and Clinton, Massachusetts, 2003
Pushpoint sampling for defining spatial and temporal variations in contaminant concentrations in sediment pore water near the ground-water/surface-water interface
Concentrations of metals and other water quality data for the Assabet and Concord Rivers, Massachusetts, 2008
Non-motorized watercraft training practical exercises (canoe rescues) in Buffumville Lake, Oxford, MA
Summer 2022 Photo Contest: Andrew Massey, Honorable Mention category
Non-motorized watercraft training practical exercises (canoe rescues) in Buffumville Lake, Oxford, MA
Summer 2022 Photo Contest: Andrew Massey, Honorable Mention category
River ice remains suspended along the bank-full margin, Black River, Weathersfield, Vermont. Note the rip-rap bank stabilization measures installed since Tropical Storm Irene.
River ice remains suspended along the bank-full margin, Black River, Weathersfield, Vermont. Note the rip-rap bank stabilization measures installed since Tropical Storm Irene.
Hydrologic technician operates Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) via canoe on Connecticut River.
Hydrologic technician operates Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) via canoe on Connecticut River.
Hydrologic technician controls the remote data collection from the bow, while the other one paddles the canoe-ADCP rig down the Connecticut river to the next cross-section. Stratford, New Hampshire/Maistone, Vermont.
Hydrologic technician controls the remote data collection from the bow, while the other one paddles the canoe-ADCP rig down the Connecticut river to the next cross-section. Stratford, New Hampshire/Maistone, Vermont.
Hydrologic technicians prepare for Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) measurements on Connecticut River, Maidstone, Vermont.
Hydrologic technicians prepare for Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) measurements on Connecticut River, Maidstone, Vermont.
Hydrologic technicians prepare for an early morning down-river Global Navigational Satellite Systems-Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (GNSS-ADCP) survey campaign to collect cross-section measurements, Connecticut River, Maidstone, Vermont.
Hydrologic technicians prepare for an early morning down-river Global Navigational Satellite Systems-Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (GNSS-ADCP) survey campaign to collect cross-section measurements, Connecticut River, Maidstone, Vermont.
USGS Hydrologic technicians perform Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) cross-section surveying on the Connecticut River, above Janice Peaslee Bridge, near Maidstone, Vermont.
USGS Hydrologic technicians perform Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) cross-section surveying on the Connecticut River, above Janice Peaslee Bridge, near Maidstone, Vermont.
Circa 1928 railroad bridge spans the White River, Royalton, Vermont. This bridge is one of dozens the applied hydrology surveying unit surveyed for modelers for new flood inundation models. The model data are then used to produce flood insurance rate maps for Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).
Circa 1928 railroad bridge spans the White River, Royalton, Vermont. This bridge is one of dozens the applied hydrology surveying unit surveyed for modelers for new flood inundation models. The model data are then used to produce flood insurance rate maps for Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).
Hydrologic technician using a GPS receiver to collect cross-section data for flood surveying on Otter Creek in Rutland, Vermont. A covered bridge is in the background.
Hydrologic technician using a GPS receiver to collect cross-section data for flood surveying on Otter Creek in Rutland, Vermont. A covered bridge is in the background.
Mystic River at Medford, MA in the vicinity of the streamgage station 01103040.
Mystic River at Medford, MA in the vicinity of the streamgage station 01103040.