David H Dupre
David Dupre is a Supervisory Hydrologist for the USGS, Central Midwest Water Science Center, located in Urbana, Illinois..
Education and Certifications
M.S. Agricultural Engineering, University of Illinois, 2003
B.S. Agricultural Engineering, University of Wisconsin, 1996
Science and Products
User’s manual for the National Water Information System of the U.S. Geological Survey: Water-Quality System
This user documentation is designed to be a reference for the quality of water (QW) programs within the National Water Information System (NWIS). If you are a new user, the “Introduction” and “Getting Started” sections may be the right place for you to start. If you are an experienced user, you may want to go straight to the details provided in the “Program” section (section 3). Code...
David H. Dupré, Jonathon C. Scott, Melanie L. Clark, Michael G. Canova, Yvonne E. Stoker
Fecal-indicator bacteria concentrations in the Illinois River between Hennepin and Peoria, Illinois: 2007-08
The Illinois Environmental Protection Agency has designated portions of the Illinois River in Peoria, Woodford, and Tazewell Counties, Illinois, as impaired owing to the presence of fecal coliform bacteria. The U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with the Tri-County Regional Planning Commission, examined the water quality in the Illinois River and major tributaries within a 47-mile...
David H. Dupre, Jon Hortness, Paul J. Terrio, Jennifer B. Sharpe
Diel cycles in dissolved barium, lead, iron, vanadium, and nitrite in a stream draining a former zinc smelter site near Hegeler, Illinois
Diel variations in the concentrations of a number of constituents have the potential to substantially affect the appropriate sampling regimen in acidic streams. Samples taken once during the course of the day cannot adequately reflect diel variations in water quality and may result in an inaccurate understanding of biogeochemical processes, ecological conditions, and of the threat posed...
Robert T. Kay, G.E. Groschen, G. Cygan, David H. Dupre
Diel Sampling of Groundwater and Surface Water for Trace Elements and Select Water-Quality Constituents at a Former Zinc Smelter Site near Hegeler, Illinois, August 1-3, 2007
Surface water can exhibit substantial diel variations in the concentration of a number of constituents. Sampling regimens that do not characterize diel variations in water quality can result in an inaccurate understanding of site conditions and of the threat posed by the site to human health and the environment. Surface- and groundwater affected by acid drainage were sampled every 60 to...
Robert T. Kay, George E. Groschen, David H. Dupre, Timothy D. Drexler, Karen L. Thingvold, Heather J. Rosenfeld
Water Resources Data for Illinois - Water Year 2005 (Includes Historical Data)
This annual Water-Data Report for Illinois contains current water year (Oct. 1, 2004, to Sept. 30, 2005) and historical data of discharge, stage, water quality and biology of streams; stage of lakes and reservoirs; levels and quality of ground water; and records of precipitation, air temperature, dew point, solar radiation, and wind speed. The current year's (2005) data provided in this...
J.K. LaTour, E.A. Weldon, D.H. Dupre, T.M. Halfar
Water-quality data from two agricultural drainage basins in northwestern Indiana and northeastern Illinois: III. biweekly data, 2000-2002
No abstract available.
Ronald C. Antweiler, Richard L. Smith, Mary A. Voytek, John Karl Bohlke, David H. Dupre
Water quality of Nippersink Creek and Wonder Lake, McHenry County, Illinois, 1994-2001
Wonder Lake, McHenry County, Illinois was formed when an earthen dam was constructed across Nippersink Creek in 1929. The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in cooperation with the McHenry County Soil and Water Conservation District, operated two streamflow and water-quality monitoring sites (upstream and downstream of Wonder Lake) from July 1994 through June 1997, and examined the water...
David H. Dupre, Dale M. Robertson
Water quality in the upper Illinois River basin: Illinois, Indiana, and Wisconsin, 1999-2001
This report contains the major findings of a 1999?2001 assessment of water quality in the upper Illinois River Basin. It is one of a series of reports by the National Water-Quality Assessment (NAWQA) Program that present major findings in 51 major river basins and aquifer systems across the Nation. In these reports, water quality is discussed in terms of local, State, and regional issues...
George E. Groschen, Terri Arnold, Mitchell A. Harris, David H. Dupre, Faith A. Fitzpatrick, Barbara C. Scudder, William S. Morrow, Paul J. Terrio, Kelly L. Warner, Elizabeth A. Murphy
Three-dimensional point measurements of basic water-quality parameters in Hoover Reservoir near Westerville, Ohio, August 25 and 27, 2015
To better understand the hydrodynamics and water-quality distributions of the lower portion of Hoover Reservoir near Westerville, Ohio, in response to selective withdrawal operations at the dam, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) conducted two sets of synoptic surveys of water-quality and velocity in August 2015. On August 25, 2015, the middle intake gates were operational at the dam...
Science and Products
User’s manual for the National Water Information System of the U.S. Geological Survey: Water-Quality System
This user documentation is designed to be a reference for the quality of water (QW) programs within the National Water Information System (NWIS). If you are a new user, the “Introduction” and “Getting Started” sections may be the right place for you to start. If you are an experienced user, you may want to go straight to the details provided in the “Program” section (section 3). Code...
David H. Dupré, Jonathon C. Scott, Melanie L. Clark, Michael G. Canova, Yvonne E. Stoker
Fecal-indicator bacteria concentrations in the Illinois River between Hennepin and Peoria, Illinois: 2007-08
The Illinois Environmental Protection Agency has designated portions of the Illinois River in Peoria, Woodford, and Tazewell Counties, Illinois, as impaired owing to the presence of fecal coliform bacteria. The U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with the Tri-County Regional Planning Commission, examined the water quality in the Illinois River and major tributaries within a 47-mile...
David H. Dupre, Jon Hortness, Paul J. Terrio, Jennifer B. Sharpe
Diel cycles in dissolved barium, lead, iron, vanadium, and nitrite in a stream draining a former zinc smelter site near Hegeler, Illinois
Diel variations in the concentrations of a number of constituents have the potential to substantially affect the appropriate sampling regimen in acidic streams. Samples taken once during the course of the day cannot adequately reflect diel variations in water quality and may result in an inaccurate understanding of biogeochemical processes, ecological conditions, and of the threat posed...
Robert T. Kay, G.E. Groschen, G. Cygan, David H. Dupre
Diel Sampling of Groundwater and Surface Water for Trace Elements and Select Water-Quality Constituents at a Former Zinc Smelter Site near Hegeler, Illinois, August 1-3, 2007
Surface water can exhibit substantial diel variations in the concentration of a number of constituents. Sampling regimens that do not characterize diel variations in water quality can result in an inaccurate understanding of site conditions and of the threat posed by the site to human health and the environment. Surface- and groundwater affected by acid drainage were sampled every 60 to...
Robert T. Kay, George E. Groschen, David H. Dupre, Timothy D. Drexler, Karen L. Thingvold, Heather J. Rosenfeld
Water Resources Data for Illinois - Water Year 2005 (Includes Historical Data)
This annual Water-Data Report for Illinois contains current water year (Oct. 1, 2004, to Sept. 30, 2005) and historical data of discharge, stage, water quality and biology of streams; stage of lakes and reservoirs; levels and quality of ground water; and records of precipitation, air temperature, dew point, solar radiation, and wind speed. The current year's (2005) data provided in this...
J.K. LaTour, E.A. Weldon, D.H. Dupre, T.M. Halfar
Water-quality data from two agricultural drainage basins in northwestern Indiana and northeastern Illinois: III. biweekly data, 2000-2002
No abstract available.
Ronald C. Antweiler, Richard L. Smith, Mary A. Voytek, John Karl Bohlke, David H. Dupre
Water quality of Nippersink Creek and Wonder Lake, McHenry County, Illinois, 1994-2001
Wonder Lake, McHenry County, Illinois was formed when an earthen dam was constructed across Nippersink Creek in 1929. The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in cooperation with the McHenry County Soil and Water Conservation District, operated two streamflow and water-quality monitoring sites (upstream and downstream of Wonder Lake) from July 1994 through June 1997, and examined the water...
David H. Dupre, Dale M. Robertson
Water quality in the upper Illinois River basin: Illinois, Indiana, and Wisconsin, 1999-2001
This report contains the major findings of a 1999?2001 assessment of water quality in the upper Illinois River Basin. It is one of a series of reports by the National Water-Quality Assessment (NAWQA) Program that present major findings in 51 major river basins and aquifer systems across the Nation. In these reports, water quality is discussed in terms of local, State, and regional issues...
George E. Groschen, Terri Arnold, Mitchell A. Harris, David H. Dupre, Faith A. Fitzpatrick, Barbara C. Scudder, William S. Morrow, Paul J. Terrio, Kelly L. Warner, Elizabeth A. Murphy
Three-dimensional point measurements of basic water-quality parameters in Hoover Reservoir near Westerville, Ohio, August 25 and 27, 2015
To better understand the hydrodynamics and water-quality distributions of the lower portion of Hoover Reservoir near Westerville, Ohio, in response to selective withdrawal operations at the dam, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) conducted two sets of synoptic surveys of water-quality and velocity in August 2015. On August 25, 2015, the middle intake gates were operational at the dam...