The old Kennecott copper mill in the winter. Kennecott was once a thriving mine and mill during the early 1900s. The mines are 5 miles up the mountain.
Frederic Wilson
Ric is a Research Geologist for the Alaska Science Center.
Science and Products
Alaska Resource Data File
Alaska Databases and Information Analysis
Geologic Map of Alaska
U-Pb Isotope Geochronology Data and Geochemical Analyses of Selected Rocks from the Seldovia Quadrangle, Southcentral Alaska
Alaska Resource Data File (ARDF)
Geochemical and 40Ar/39Ar Analytical Data of Rocks from Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve
U-Pb zircon data for: Cretaceous plutonic rocks of western Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve
Bedrock geologic map of the 15' Sleetmute A-2 quadrangle, southwestern Alaska
Surficial geologic map of the Dillingham quadrangle, southwestern Alaska
Reconnaissance surficial geologic map of the Taylor Mountains quadrangle, southwestern Alaska
Geologic map of Alaska
Reconnaissance geologic map of the Kuskokwim Bay region, southwest Alaska
The rocks of the map area range from Proterozoic age metamorphic rocks of the Kanektok metamorphic complex (Kilbuck terrane) to Quaternary age mafic volcanic rocks of Nunivak Island. The map area encompasses much of the type area of the Togiak-Tikchik Complex. The geologic maps used to construct this compilation were, for the most part, reconnaissance studies done in the time period from the 1950s
Reconnaissance geologic map of Kodiak Island and adjacent islands, Alaska
Geologic map of the Cook Inlet region, Alaska, including parts of the Talkeetna, Talkeetna Mountains, Tyonek, Anchorage, Lake Clark, Kenai, Seward, Iliamna, Seldovia, Mount Katmai, and Afognak 1:250,000-scale quadrangles
Geology of the Prince William Sound and Kenai Peninsula region, Alaska: Including the Kenai, Seldovia, Blying Sound, Cordova, and Middleton Island 1:250,000-scale quadrangles
The Prince William Sound and Kenai Peninsula region includes a significant part of one of the world’s largest accretionary complexes and a small part of the classic magmatic arc geology of the Alaska Peninsula. Physiographically, the map area ranges from the high glaciated mountains of the Alaska and Aleutian Ranges and the Chugach Mountains to the coastal lowlands of Cook Inlet and the Copper Riv
Geologic Map of the Yukon-Koyukuk Basin, Alaska
World heritage site - Bien du Patrimoine Mondial - Kluane/Wrangell-St. Elias/Glacier Bay/Tatshenshini-Alsek
Geologic map of Port Moller, Stepovak Bay, and Simeonof Island quadrangles, Alaska Peninsula, Alaska
The old Kennecott copper mill in the winter. Kennecott was once a thriving mine and mill during the early 1900s. The mines are 5 miles up the mountain.
The old Kennecott copper mill and shop. The buildings are painted with red, characteristic for this mill. Kennecott was once a thriving mine and mill during the early 1900s. The mines are 5 miles up the mountain.
The old Kennecott copper mill and shop. The buildings are painted with red, characteristic for this mill. Kennecott was once a thriving mine and mill during the early 1900s. The mines are 5 miles up the mountain.
The old Kennecott copper mill from the north. Kennecott was once a thriving mine and mill during the early 1900s. The mines are 5 miles up the mountain.
The old Kennecott copper mill from the north. Kennecott was once a thriving mine and mill during the early 1900s. The mines are 5 miles up the mountain.
The Lower Cretaceous sequence of western Alaska – demise of the Koyukuk terrane?
Preliminary geologic map of the Greater Antilles and the Virgin Islands
Probabilistic mineral resource assessment of U.S. Territories of the Caribbean Basin and adjacent areas: Progress report
Legacy K/Ar and 40Ar/39Ar geochronologic data from the Alaska-Aleutian Range batholith of south-central Alaska
Alaska geology revealed
Mineral deposits and metallogeny of Alaska
Geologic framework of the Alaska Peninsula, southwest Alaska, and the Alaska Peninsula terrane
Two flysch belts having distinctly different provenance suggest no stratigraphic link between the Wrangellia composite terrane and the paleo-Alaskan margin
Map showing extent of glaciation in the Eagle quadrangle, east-central Alaska
Geologic map of Saint Lawrence Island, Alaska
Preliminary Geologic Map of the Cook Inlet Region, Alaska-Including Parts of the Talkeetna, Talkeetna Mountains, Tyonek, Anchorage, Lake Clark, Kenai, Seward, Iliamna, Seldovia, Mount Katmai, and Afognak 1:250,000-scale Quadrangles
Geologic and Geochronologic Studies of the Early Proterozoic Kanektok Metamorphic Complex of Southwestern Alaska
Geologic Map of Alaska
This is an interactive version of the Alaska geologic map database which allows a user to view and access many features of the database and map through a standard web browser. In other words, there is no need for or knowledge of specialized GIS software.
Science and Products
Alaska Resource Data File
Alaska Databases and Information Analysis
Geologic Map of Alaska
U-Pb Isotope Geochronology Data and Geochemical Analyses of Selected Rocks from the Seldovia Quadrangle, Southcentral Alaska
Alaska Resource Data File (ARDF)
Geochemical and 40Ar/39Ar Analytical Data of Rocks from Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve
U-Pb zircon data for: Cretaceous plutonic rocks of western Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve
Bedrock geologic map of the 15' Sleetmute A-2 quadrangle, southwestern Alaska
Surficial geologic map of the Dillingham quadrangle, southwestern Alaska
Reconnaissance surficial geologic map of the Taylor Mountains quadrangle, southwestern Alaska
Geologic map of Alaska
Reconnaissance geologic map of the Kuskokwim Bay region, southwest Alaska
The rocks of the map area range from Proterozoic age metamorphic rocks of the Kanektok metamorphic complex (Kilbuck terrane) to Quaternary age mafic volcanic rocks of Nunivak Island. The map area encompasses much of the type area of the Togiak-Tikchik Complex. The geologic maps used to construct this compilation were, for the most part, reconnaissance studies done in the time period from the 1950s
Reconnaissance geologic map of Kodiak Island and adjacent islands, Alaska
Geologic map of the Cook Inlet region, Alaska, including parts of the Talkeetna, Talkeetna Mountains, Tyonek, Anchorage, Lake Clark, Kenai, Seward, Iliamna, Seldovia, Mount Katmai, and Afognak 1:250,000-scale quadrangles
Geology of the Prince William Sound and Kenai Peninsula region, Alaska: Including the Kenai, Seldovia, Blying Sound, Cordova, and Middleton Island 1:250,000-scale quadrangles
The Prince William Sound and Kenai Peninsula region includes a significant part of one of the world’s largest accretionary complexes and a small part of the classic magmatic arc geology of the Alaska Peninsula. Physiographically, the map area ranges from the high glaciated mountains of the Alaska and Aleutian Ranges and the Chugach Mountains to the coastal lowlands of Cook Inlet and the Copper Riv
Geologic Map of the Yukon-Koyukuk Basin, Alaska
World heritage site - Bien du Patrimoine Mondial - Kluane/Wrangell-St. Elias/Glacier Bay/Tatshenshini-Alsek
Geologic map of Port Moller, Stepovak Bay, and Simeonof Island quadrangles, Alaska Peninsula, Alaska
The old Kennecott copper mill in the winter. Kennecott was once a thriving mine and mill during the early 1900s. The mines are 5 miles up the mountain.
The old Kennecott copper mill in the winter. Kennecott was once a thriving mine and mill during the early 1900s. The mines are 5 miles up the mountain.
The old Kennecott copper mill and shop. The buildings are painted with red, characteristic for this mill. Kennecott was once a thriving mine and mill during the early 1900s. The mines are 5 miles up the mountain.
The old Kennecott copper mill and shop. The buildings are painted with red, characteristic for this mill. Kennecott was once a thriving mine and mill during the early 1900s. The mines are 5 miles up the mountain.
The old Kennecott copper mill from the north. Kennecott was once a thriving mine and mill during the early 1900s. The mines are 5 miles up the mountain.
The old Kennecott copper mill from the north. Kennecott was once a thriving mine and mill during the early 1900s. The mines are 5 miles up the mountain.
The Lower Cretaceous sequence of western Alaska – demise of the Koyukuk terrane?
Preliminary geologic map of the Greater Antilles and the Virgin Islands
Probabilistic mineral resource assessment of U.S. Territories of the Caribbean Basin and adjacent areas: Progress report
Legacy K/Ar and 40Ar/39Ar geochronologic data from the Alaska-Aleutian Range batholith of south-central Alaska
Alaska geology revealed
Mineral deposits and metallogeny of Alaska
Geologic framework of the Alaska Peninsula, southwest Alaska, and the Alaska Peninsula terrane
Two flysch belts having distinctly different provenance suggest no stratigraphic link between the Wrangellia composite terrane and the paleo-Alaskan margin
Map showing extent of glaciation in the Eagle quadrangle, east-central Alaska
Geologic map of Saint Lawrence Island, Alaska
Preliminary Geologic Map of the Cook Inlet Region, Alaska-Including Parts of the Talkeetna, Talkeetna Mountains, Tyonek, Anchorage, Lake Clark, Kenai, Seward, Iliamna, Seldovia, Mount Katmai, and Afognak 1:250,000-scale Quadrangles
Geologic and Geochronologic Studies of the Early Proterozoic Kanektok Metamorphic Complex of Southwestern Alaska
Geologic Map of Alaska
This is an interactive version of the Alaska geologic map database which allows a user to view and access many features of the database and map through a standard web browser. In other words, there is no need for or knowledge of specialized GIS software.