Julie A Dumoulin, Ph.D.
Carbonate sedimentology, circumpolar correlation, Paleozoic and Mesozoic stratigraphy of central and northern Alaska
Professional Experience
1979 - Present Research Geologist, USGS, Anchorage AK
Education and Certifications
Ph.D. 1991 University of California, Santa Cruz CA Geology
M.S. 1979 University of Wisconsin, Madison WI Geology
B.S. 1976 University of Wisconsin, Madison WI Geology/Anthropology
Affiliations and Memberships*
Alaskan Geological Society
American Association of Petroleum Geologists
Geological Society of America
International Association of Sedimentologists
SEPM (Society for Sedimentary Geology)
Honors and Awards
Graduate Fellowship, National Science Foundation, 1976
Graduate Training Program Award, USGS, 1985
USGS STAR awards for research and service contributions, 1997, 1999 (2), 2005, 2011
USGS Performance awards: 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013
Science and Products
Total organic carbon, programmed temperature pyrolysis, vitrinite reflectance, organic carbon isotopes, elemental, and spectral gamma-ray data from the Cretaceous Hue Shale (Jago River outcrop), Arctic Alaska, USA
Carbon Isotopes, Total Organic Carbon, Programmed Pyrolysis, Volcanic Zircon U-Pb, and Geochemistry Data from the Hue Shale, Arctic Alaska - 2024
Geochemical Data from Selected Triassic Rock Samples in Northeastern Alaska
U-Pb Isotopic Data and Ages of Detrital Zircon from Selected Rocks from northern Yukon, Canada
Whole Rock Major and Trace Element Chemistry for Igneous Rocks from Tyonek, Lime Hills, Talkeetna, McGrath, and Lake Clark Quadrangles, Western Alaska Range, Alaska
Geochemical, Geochronologic, Rock-Eval, and Spectral Gamma Ray Data for Selected Triassic Rocks in Northwestern Alaska
Location Data for Petrographic Samples and Isotopic and Age Data from Detrital Zircon Grains from Selected Rock Samples from St. Lawrence Island and the Western Brooks Range, Alaska
Subsurface stratigraphic picks of the Middle-Upper Triassic Shublik Formation, Alaska North Slope
U-Pb Isotopic Data and Ages of Detrital Zircon Grains, Whole Rock Major and Trace-element Geochemistry, and Whole Rock Isotopic Data from Selected Rocks from the Western Alaska Range, Medfra area, and Livengood area, Alaska
U-Pb Isotopic Data and Ages of Detrital Zircon Grains and Graptolite Fossil Data from Selected Rocks from the Western Alaska Range, Livengood area, and Seward Peninsula, Alaska - 2018
Appendices for Transgressive-regressive cycles in the metalliferous, oil shale-bearing Heath Formation (Upper Mississippian), central Montana
Bedrock geologic map of the Seward Peninsula, Alaska, and accompanying conodont data
Geologic and Fossil Locality Maps of the West-Central Part of the Howard Pass Quadrangle and Part of the Adjacent Misheguk Mountain Quadrangle, Western Brooks Range, Alaska
Geologic map of the Chugach National Forest, Alaska
Mineral resource potential map of the Chugach National Forest, Alaska
Chemostratigraphy of the Cretaceous Hue Shale in Arctic Alaska: Exploring paleoceanographic controls on trace element enrichment, organic matter accumulation, and source-rock evolution
Facies variation within outcrops of the Triassic Shublik Formation, northeastern Alaska
Arctic Alaska deepwater organic carbon burial and environmental changes during the late Albian–early Campanian (103–82 Ma)
Ordovician geology of Alaska
Biosiliceous, organic-rich, and phosphatic facies of Triassic strata of northwest Alaska: Transect across a high-latitude, low-angle continental margin
Detrital zircon ages from upper Paleozoic–Triassic clastic strata on St. Lawrence Island, Alaska: An enigmatic component of the Arctic Alaska–Chukotka microplate
Diagenetic barite-pyrite-wurtzite formation and redox signatures in Triassic mudstone, Brooks Range, northern Alaska
The Sedimentary Geochemistry and Paleoenvironments Project
Assessment of undiscovered gas resources in Upper Devonian to Lower Cretaceous strata of the western North Slope, Alaska, 2021
Surface to subsurface correlation of the Middle-Upper Triassic Shublik Formation within a revised sequence stratigraphic framework
Assessment of undiscovered oil and gas resources in the Central North Slope of Alaska, 2020
Element cycling in the Middle-Late Triassic Shublik Formation: Mineralization vs. recycling of biolimiting nutrients in an unconventional resource play
Science and Products
Total organic carbon, programmed temperature pyrolysis, vitrinite reflectance, organic carbon isotopes, elemental, and spectral gamma-ray data from the Cretaceous Hue Shale (Jago River outcrop), Arctic Alaska, USA
Carbon Isotopes, Total Organic Carbon, Programmed Pyrolysis, Volcanic Zircon U-Pb, and Geochemistry Data from the Hue Shale, Arctic Alaska - 2024
Geochemical Data from Selected Triassic Rock Samples in Northeastern Alaska
U-Pb Isotopic Data and Ages of Detrital Zircon from Selected Rocks from northern Yukon, Canada
Whole Rock Major and Trace Element Chemistry for Igneous Rocks from Tyonek, Lime Hills, Talkeetna, McGrath, and Lake Clark Quadrangles, Western Alaska Range, Alaska
Geochemical, Geochronologic, Rock-Eval, and Spectral Gamma Ray Data for Selected Triassic Rocks in Northwestern Alaska
Location Data for Petrographic Samples and Isotopic and Age Data from Detrital Zircon Grains from Selected Rock Samples from St. Lawrence Island and the Western Brooks Range, Alaska
Subsurface stratigraphic picks of the Middle-Upper Triassic Shublik Formation, Alaska North Slope
U-Pb Isotopic Data and Ages of Detrital Zircon Grains, Whole Rock Major and Trace-element Geochemistry, and Whole Rock Isotopic Data from Selected Rocks from the Western Alaska Range, Medfra area, and Livengood area, Alaska
U-Pb Isotopic Data and Ages of Detrital Zircon Grains and Graptolite Fossil Data from Selected Rocks from the Western Alaska Range, Livengood area, and Seward Peninsula, Alaska - 2018
Appendices for Transgressive-regressive cycles in the metalliferous, oil shale-bearing Heath Formation (Upper Mississippian), central Montana
Bedrock geologic map of the Seward Peninsula, Alaska, and accompanying conodont data
Geologic and Fossil Locality Maps of the West-Central Part of the Howard Pass Quadrangle and Part of the Adjacent Misheguk Mountain Quadrangle, Western Brooks Range, Alaska
Geologic map of the Chugach National Forest, Alaska
Mineral resource potential map of the Chugach National Forest, Alaska
Chemostratigraphy of the Cretaceous Hue Shale in Arctic Alaska: Exploring paleoceanographic controls on trace element enrichment, organic matter accumulation, and source-rock evolution
Facies variation within outcrops of the Triassic Shublik Formation, northeastern Alaska
Arctic Alaska deepwater organic carbon burial and environmental changes during the late Albian–early Campanian (103–82 Ma)
Ordovician geology of Alaska
Biosiliceous, organic-rich, and phosphatic facies of Triassic strata of northwest Alaska: Transect across a high-latitude, low-angle continental margin
Detrital zircon ages from upper Paleozoic–Triassic clastic strata on St. Lawrence Island, Alaska: An enigmatic component of the Arctic Alaska–Chukotka microplate
Diagenetic barite-pyrite-wurtzite formation and redox signatures in Triassic mudstone, Brooks Range, northern Alaska
The Sedimentary Geochemistry and Paleoenvironments Project
Assessment of undiscovered gas resources in Upper Devonian to Lower Cretaceous strata of the western North Slope, Alaska, 2021
Surface to subsurface correlation of the Middle-Upper Triassic Shublik Formation within a revised sequence stratigraphic framework
Assessment of undiscovered oil and gas resources in the Central North Slope of Alaska, 2020
Element cycling in the Middle-Late Triassic Shublik Formation: Mineralization vs. recycling of biolimiting nutrients in an unconventional resource play
*Disclaimer: Listing outside positions with professional scientific organizations on this Staff Profile are for informational purposes only and do not constitute an endorsement of those professional scientific organizations or their activities by the USGS, Department of the Interior, or U.S. Government