Kathleen D Gans
Kathleen D Gans - California Water Science Center
Science and Products
Historical Produced Water Chemistry Data Compiled for the North Coles Levee Oilfield, Kern County, California
This dataset contains geochemical and other information for 40 historical samples of produced water from the North Coles Levee Oil Field. Three of these samples are from commingled tanks containing produced water from multiple wells as noted in the Remarks column. Water that is produced as a byproduct of oil production is called produced water. The numerical water chemistry data were...
Historical Produced Water Chemistry Data Compiled for the Elk Hills Oilfield, Kern County, California
This dataset contains geochemical and other information for 340 samples of produced water from the Elk Hills Oil Field. Water that is produced as a byproduct of oil production is called produced water. The publicly available produced water chemistry data was compiled by USGS staff using historical DOGGR datasets and scanned images. The data were transferred manually into a numerical...
U.S. Geological Survey National Produced Waters Geochemical Database v2.3 (superseded by ver. 3.0, December 2023)
Please note: This product is superseded by the ver. 3.0, December 2023 product provided within the 'Data' tab below. During hydrocarbon production, water is typically co-produced from the geologic formations producing oil and gas. Understanding the composition of these produced waters is important to help investigate the regional hydrogeology, the source of the water, the efficacy of...
Geochemical and geophysical data for selected wells in and surrounding the South Cuyama oil and gas field
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) in cooperation with the California State Water Resources Control Board and Bureau of Land Management compiled and analyzed data for mapping groundwater salinity in selected oil and gas fields in California. The data for the South Cuyama oil field includes well construction data, digitized borehole geophysical data, geochemical analyses of water samples...
Historical Produced Water Chemistry Data Compiled for the Lost Hills and North and South Belridge Oilfields, Kern County, California
This dataset contains geochemical and other information for 268 samples of produced water from the Lost Hills and North and South Belridge Oil Fields. Produced water is water coexisting with oil and gas. The historical produced water chemistry data was compiled from preexisting datasets and scanned images into a numerical dataset to characterize produced water chemical characteristics...
Geochemical and geophysical data for wells in the Fruitvale and Rosedale Ranch oil and gas fields, Kern County, California, USA
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) in cooperation with the California State Water Resources Control Board compiled and analyzed data for the purpose of mapping groundwater salinity in selected oil and gas fields in California. The data for the Fruitvale and Rosedale Ranch oil fields include well construction data, digitized borehole geophysical data, geochemical analyses of water samples...
Historical produced water chemistry data compiled for the Fruitvale Oilfield, Kern County, California
This dataset contains geochemical and other information for 204 samples of produced water from the Fruitvale petroleum field. Produced water is water coexisting with oil and gas. The historical produced water chemistry data was compiled from preexisting datasets and scanned images into a numerical dataset to characterize produced water chemical characteristics. Each sample is identified...
Chemical composition of formation water in shale and tight reservoirs: A basin-scale perspective
No abstract available.
Yousif Kharaka, Kathleen Gans, Elisabeth Rowan, James Thordsen, Christopher H. Conaway, Madalyn S. Blondes, Mark A. Engle
Geochemical data for produced waters from conventional and unconventional oil and gas wells: Results from Colorado, USA
Geochemical data for more than 120,000 oil and natural gas wells from the major sedimentary basins in the USA are listed in the USGS National Produced Waters Geochemical Database [1]. In this summary, we report and discuss the geochemical data on produced waters obtained from published literature and the Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission (COGCC) from close to 4,000 new oil and...
Yousif Kharaka, Kathleen Gans, James Thordsen, Madalyn S. Blondes, Mark A Engle
Geochemical monitoring for potential environmental impacts of geologic sequestration of CO2
Carbon dioxide sequestration is now considered an important component of the portfolio of options for reducing greenhouse gas emissions to stabilize their atmospheric levels at values that would limit global temperature increases to the target of 2 °C by the end of the century (Pacala and Socolow 2004; IPCC 2005, 2007; Benson and Cook 2005; Benson and Cole 2008; IEA 2012; Romanak et al...
Yousif K. Kharaka, David R. Cole, James J. Thordsen, Kathleen D. Gans, Randal B. Thomas
Porphyry copper assessment of the Mesozoic of East Asia: China, Vietnam, North Korea, Mongolia, and Russia: Chapter G in Global mineral resource assessment
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) collaborated with the China Geological Survey (CGS) to conduct a mineral resource assessment of Mesozoic porphyry copper deposits in East Asia. This area hosts several very large porphyry deposits, exemplified by the Dexing deposit in eastern China that contains more than 8,000,000 metric tons of copper. In addition, large parts of the area are...
Steve Ludington, Mark J. Mihalasky, Jane M. Hammarstrom, Gilpin R. Robinson, Thomas P. Frost, Kathleen D. Gans, Thomas D. Light, Robert J. Miller, Dmitriy V. Alexeiev
Whole-rock and sulfide-mineral geochemical data for samples from volcanogenic massive sulfide deposits of the Bonnifield district, east-central Alaska
This Open-File Report presents geochemical data for outcrop and drill-core samples from volcanogenic massive sulfide deposits and associated metaigneous and metasedimentary rocks in the Wood River area of the Bonnifield mining district, northern Alaska Range, east-central Alaska. The data consist of major- and trace-element whole-rock geochemical analyses, and major- and trace-element...
Cynthia Dusel-Bacon, John F. Slack, Alan E. Koenig, Nora K. Foley, Robert L. Oscarson, Kathleen D. Gans
Gravity lineaments of the Cocos Plate: Evidence for a thermal contraction crack origin
Lineaments in the gravity field with wavelengths of 100–200 km affect the south-central Pacific. Because they align with absolute plate motion, it has been proposed that they reflect small-scale convection cells beneath the lithosphere that become elongated by basal shear. Alternatively, it was suggested that they reflect channelized flow of low viscosity material following the base of...
Marie-Helene Cormier, Kathleen D. Gans, Douglas S. Wilson
Maps of quaternary deposits and liquefaction susceptibility in the Central San Francisco Bay Region, California
This report presents a map and database of Quaternary deposits and liquefaction susceptibility for the urban core of the San Francisco Bay region. It supercedes the equivalent area of U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 00-444 (Knudsen and others, 2000), which covers the larger 9-county San Francisco Bay region. The report consists of (1) a spatial database, (2) two small-scale...
Robert C. Witter, Keith L. Knudsen, Janet M. Sowers, Carl M. Wentworth, Richard D. Koehler, Carolyn E. Randolph, Suzanna K. Brooks, Kathleen D. Gans
Gravity and magnetic data along a seismic refraction-reflection line in northwest Nevada and northeast California
No abstract available.
Janet E. Tilden, David A. Ponce, Jonathan M. G. Glen, Kathleen D. Gans
Science and Products
Historical Produced Water Chemistry Data Compiled for the North Coles Levee Oilfield, Kern County, California
This dataset contains geochemical and other information for 40 historical samples of produced water from the North Coles Levee Oil Field. Three of these samples are from commingled tanks containing produced water from multiple wells as noted in the Remarks column. Water that is produced as a byproduct of oil production is called produced water. The numerical water chemistry data were...
Historical Produced Water Chemistry Data Compiled for the Elk Hills Oilfield, Kern County, California
This dataset contains geochemical and other information for 340 samples of produced water from the Elk Hills Oil Field. Water that is produced as a byproduct of oil production is called produced water. The publicly available produced water chemistry data was compiled by USGS staff using historical DOGGR datasets and scanned images. The data were transferred manually into a numerical...
U.S. Geological Survey National Produced Waters Geochemical Database v2.3 (superseded by ver. 3.0, December 2023)
Please note: This product is superseded by the ver. 3.0, December 2023 product provided within the 'Data' tab below. During hydrocarbon production, water is typically co-produced from the geologic formations producing oil and gas. Understanding the composition of these produced waters is important to help investigate the regional hydrogeology, the source of the water, the efficacy of...
Geochemical and geophysical data for selected wells in and surrounding the South Cuyama oil and gas field
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) in cooperation with the California State Water Resources Control Board and Bureau of Land Management compiled and analyzed data for mapping groundwater salinity in selected oil and gas fields in California. The data for the South Cuyama oil field includes well construction data, digitized borehole geophysical data, geochemical analyses of water samples...
Historical Produced Water Chemistry Data Compiled for the Lost Hills and North and South Belridge Oilfields, Kern County, California
This dataset contains geochemical and other information for 268 samples of produced water from the Lost Hills and North and South Belridge Oil Fields. Produced water is water coexisting with oil and gas. The historical produced water chemistry data was compiled from preexisting datasets and scanned images into a numerical dataset to characterize produced water chemical characteristics...
Geochemical and geophysical data for wells in the Fruitvale and Rosedale Ranch oil and gas fields, Kern County, California, USA
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) in cooperation with the California State Water Resources Control Board compiled and analyzed data for the purpose of mapping groundwater salinity in selected oil and gas fields in California. The data for the Fruitvale and Rosedale Ranch oil fields include well construction data, digitized borehole geophysical data, geochemical analyses of water samples...
Historical produced water chemistry data compiled for the Fruitvale Oilfield, Kern County, California
This dataset contains geochemical and other information for 204 samples of produced water from the Fruitvale petroleum field. Produced water is water coexisting with oil and gas. The historical produced water chemistry data was compiled from preexisting datasets and scanned images into a numerical dataset to characterize produced water chemical characteristics. Each sample is identified...
Chemical composition of formation water in shale and tight reservoirs: A basin-scale perspective
No abstract available.
Yousif Kharaka, Kathleen Gans, Elisabeth Rowan, James Thordsen, Christopher H. Conaway, Madalyn S. Blondes, Mark A. Engle
Geochemical data for produced waters from conventional and unconventional oil and gas wells: Results from Colorado, USA
Geochemical data for more than 120,000 oil and natural gas wells from the major sedimentary basins in the USA are listed in the USGS National Produced Waters Geochemical Database [1]. In this summary, we report and discuss the geochemical data on produced waters obtained from published literature and the Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission (COGCC) from close to 4,000 new oil and...
Yousif Kharaka, Kathleen Gans, James Thordsen, Madalyn S. Blondes, Mark A Engle
Geochemical monitoring for potential environmental impacts of geologic sequestration of CO2
Carbon dioxide sequestration is now considered an important component of the portfolio of options for reducing greenhouse gas emissions to stabilize their atmospheric levels at values that would limit global temperature increases to the target of 2 °C by the end of the century (Pacala and Socolow 2004; IPCC 2005, 2007; Benson and Cook 2005; Benson and Cole 2008; IEA 2012; Romanak et al...
Yousif K. Kharaka, David R. Cole, James J. Thordsen, Kathleen D. Gans, Randal B. Thomas
Porphyry copper assessment of the Mesozoic of East Asia: China, Vietnam, North Korea, Mongolia, and Russia: Chapter G in Global mineral resource assessment
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) collaborated with the China Geological Survey (CGS) to conduct a mineral resource assessment of Mesozoic porphyry copper deposits in East Asia. This area hosts several very large porphyry deposits, exemplified by the Dexing deposit in eastern China that contains more than 8,000,000 metric tons of copper. In addition, large parts of the area are...
Steve Ludington, Mark J. Mihalasky, Jane M. Hammarstrom, Gilpin R. Robinson, Thomas P. Frost, Kathleen D. Gans, Thomas D. Light, Robert J. Miller, Dmitriy V. Alexeiev
Whole-rock and sulfide-mineral geochemical data for samples from volcanogenic massive sulfide deposits of the Bonnifield district, east-central Alaska
This Open-File Report presents geochemical data for outcrop and drill-core samples from volcanogenic massive sulfide deposits and associated metaigneous and metasedimentary rocks in the Wood River area of the Bonnifield mining district, northern Alaska Range, east-central Alaska. The data consist of major- and trace-element whole-rock geochemical analyses, and major- and trace-element...
Cynthia Dusel-Bacon, John F. Slack, Alan E. Koenig, Nora K. Foley, Robert L. Oscarson, Kathleen D. Gans
Gravity lineaments of the Cocos Plate: Evidence for a thermal contraction crack origin
Lineaments in the gravity field with wavelengths of 100–200 km affect the south-central Pacific. Because they align with absolute plate motion, it has been proposed that they reflect small-scale convection cells beneath the lithosphere that become elongated by basal shear. Alternatively, it was suggested that they reflect channelized flow of low viscosity material following the base of...
Marie-Helene Cormier, Kathleen D. Gans, Douglas S. Wilson
Maps of quaternary deposits and liquefaction susceptibility in the Central San Francisco Bay Region, California
This report presents a map and database of Quaternary deposits and liquefaction susceptibility for the urban core of the San Francisco Bay region. It supercedes the equivalent area of U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 00-444 (Knudsen and others, 2000), which covers the larger 9-county San Francisco Bay region. The report consists of (1) a spatial database, (2) two small-scale...
Robert C. Witter, Keith L. Knudsen, Janet M. Sowers, Carl M. Wentworth, Richard D. Koehler, Carolyn E. Randolph, Suzanna K. Brooks, Kathleen D. Gans
Gravity and magnetic data along a seismic refraction-reflection line in northwest Nevada and northeast California
No abstract available.
Janet E. Tilden, David A. Ponce, Jonathan M. G. Glen, Kathleen D. Gans