Kelly L Warner
Kelly Warner is the Center Director for the Columbia Environmental Research Center.
Kelly has been on the leading edge of new technology and interpretive science. She began her career as a graduate student collecting surface water data and working on an urban lake project. As digital spatial applications evolved, she developed an international study of groundwater quality in the Great Lakes basin that was supported by International Joint Commission. Kelly helped to write the groundwater and urban water component of the first biennial report on Great Lakes groundwater quality as part of international Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement. Kelly and colleagues presented this research to the International Association of Hydrogeologists in Rome, Italy, on the impact of urban development on water quality for US and Canada.
Kelly spent part of her career as Regional Aquifer Coordinator for the U.S. Geological Survey National Water Quality Assessment (NAWQA) Program where she led a regional team of hydrologists from Maine to Washington on investigations of water quality in the glacial aquifer system. New analytical and interpretive methods were used for understanding changes in water quality across northern United States including methods of arsenic speciation and redox mapping. As a supervisor of water quality studies in Illinois, Kelly helped grow a large program using new methods for continuous monitoring of nitrate and phosphate. The network in Illinois was one of the largest in the country which led to her participation in a Congressional briefing in Washington, DC on the science and interpretive value of the new continuous nutrient sensors. From 2017-2024, Kelly was the Deputy Director of Science for the Central Midwest Water Science Center, where she led innovative science and research on water resources in Illinois, Iowa, and Missouri.
In 2024, Kelly became the Center Director for the Columbia Environmental Research Center in Columbia, MO.
Education and Certifications
B.S., Knox College, Galesburg, Illinois
M.S. Northern Illinois University, De Kalb, Illinois
University of Illinois, additional study, Urbana, Illinois
Affiliations and Memberships*
Illinois Nutrient Monitoring Council
Prairie Research Institute Technical Advisory Board
USGS Diversity and Inclusion Regional and National (interim) Councils from 2015-2021
Upper Mississippi River Basin Association Water Quality Task Force
Illinois Coordinating Committee on Groundwater
Honors and Awards
USGS Superior Service Award
USGS Shoemaker Award (2010 and 2019)
National Association of Government Communicators Blue Pencil Award for Excellence (2019).
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Commander Coin for Excellence, Rock Island District (2019)
Abstracts and Presentations
Warner, K., Howard, K., Gerber, R. Soo Chan, G., and Ford, D., 2016. Effects of urban development on groundwater. Chapt. 6 in Grannemann, G. and Van Stempvoort, D. (Eds.), Groundwater science relevant to the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement: A status report. Final version, May, 2016. Published (online) by Environment and Climate Change Canada and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
Howard, K., Ricardo, H., Shivakoti, B.R., Warner, K., Gogu, R., Nkhuwa, D., 2015, Resilient cities and groundwater. Foster, S. and Tyson, G., eds., International Association of Hydrogeologists, publisher.
Warner, K.L., and Howard, K.W.F, 2015, United States and Canada Assess the Impact of Urban Development on Groundwater Quality—Example from the Great Lakes Basin: 42nd Congress of the International Association of Hydrogeologists, Rome, Italy, September, 2015,
Science and Products
Iowa Flood Information
Research and Investigations
The Great Flood of 1993
Completed and Archived Projects - Streamflow, Groundwater, and Lakes, CMWSC
U.S. Geological Survey Mississippi River Science Forum—Summary of data and science needs and next steps
A snapshot of women of the U.S. Geological Survey in STEM and related careers
The quality of our Nation's waters: water quality in the glacial aquifer system, northern United States, 1993-2009
Interactions of water quality and integrated groundwater management: Examples from the United States and Europe
Real-time continuous nitrate monitoring in Illinois in 2013
Relations that affect the probability and prediction of nitrate concentration in private wells in the glacial aquifer system in the United States
Using land-cover change as dynamic variables in surface-water and water-quality models
Using land-cover data to understand effects of agricultural and urban development on regional water quality
Occurrence and distribution of iron, manganese, and selected trace elements in ground water in the glacial aquifer system of the northern United States
Hydrochemical Regions of the Glacial Aquifer System, Northern United States, and Their Environmental and Water-Quality Characteristics
Pesticide and transformation product detections and age-dating relations from till and sand deposits
Framework for regional synthesis of water-quality data for the glacial aquifer system in the United States
Non-USGS Publications**
Roadcap, G.S., Panno, S.V., Wilson, S.D., and Pugin, A., 2004, The Mahomet
Aquifer--recent advances in our knowledge: Illinois State Geological Survey Open
File Series 2004-16, 19 p.
1994, Buried bedrock surface of Illinois: Illinois State Geological Survey Map Series,
Map 5, 1:500,000 scale map
U.S. Water News, v.9, no.6, p.21-22.
**Disclaimer: The views expressed in Non-USGS publications are those of the author and do not represent the views of the USGS, Department of the Interior, or the U.S. Government.
Science and Products
Iowa Flood Information
Research and Investigations
The Great Flood of 1993
Completed and Archived Projects - Streamflow, Groundwater, and Lakes, CMWSC
U.S. Geological Survey Mississippi River Science Forum—Summary of data and science needs and next steps
A snapshot of women of the U.S. Geological Survey in STEM and related careers
The quality of our Nation's waters: water quality in the glacial aquifer system, northern United States, 1993-2009
Interactions of water quality and integrated groundwater management: Examples from the United States and Europe
Real-time continuous nitrate monitoring in Illinois in 2013
Relations that affect the probability and prediction of nitrate concentration in private wells in the glacial aquifer system in the United States
Using land-cover change as dynamic variables in surface-water and water-quality models
Using land-cover data to understand effects of agricultural and urban development on regional water quality
Occurrence and distribution of iron, manganese, and selected trace elements in ground water in the glacial aquifer system of the northern United States
Hydrochemical Regions of the Glacial Aquifer System, Northern United States, and Their Environmental and Water-Quality Characteristics
Pesticide and transformation product detections and age-dating relations from till and sand deposits
Framework for regional synthesis of water-quality data for the glacial aquifer system in the United States
Non-USGS Publications**
Roadcap, G.S., Panno, S.V., Wilson, S.D., and Pugin, A., 2004, The Mahomet
Aquifer--recent advances in our knowledge: Illinois State Geological Survey Open
File Series 2004-16, 19 p.
1994, Buried bedrock surface of Illinois: Illinois State Geological Survey Map Series,
Map 5, 1:500,000 scale map
U.S. Water News, v.9, no.6, p.21-22.
**Disclaimer: The views expressed in Non-USGS publications are those of the author and do not represent the views of the USGS, Department of the Interior, or the U.S. Government.
*Disclaimer: Listing outside positions with professional scientific organizations on this Staff Profile are for informational purposes only and do not constitute an endorsement of those professional scientific organizations or their activities by the USGS, Department of the Interior, or U.S. Government