Kyle D Hix
Kyle Hix is a Student Trainee (Hydrology) USGS, Central Midwest Water Science Center located in Rolla, Missouri.
Education and Certifications
B.S. Civil Engineering, Missouri Science and Technology, 2018
Science and Products
Archive of Bank Stability and Toe Erosion Model (BSTEM) Simulations of Caulks Creek, Wildwood, Missour
The Bank Stability and Toe Erosion Model (BSTEM) version 3.3.1 (Ursic and Langendoen, 2021) was used to predict bank retreat at five locations along Caulks Creek, Wildwood, Missouri, for a selection of design storm scenarios. BSTEM is a macro-enabled Excel spreadsheet (.xlsm file) that simulates the retreat of a bank profile due to a combination of fluvial and geotechnical processes...
Archive of hydrologic and hydraulic models used in the simulation of hydraulic characteristics of Caulks Creek, Wildwood, Missouri
Substantial incision and widening of Caulks Creek within the City of Wildwood, Missouri, in western St. Louis County, poses a threat to stormwater and transportation infrastructure along with effects to residential and recreational property. Hydrologic and hydraulic models were used to estimate probabilistic streamflows and characterize and assess spatial and temporal changes in erosion...
Topographic and Bank Erosion Pin Data Used in Monitoring of Bank Erosion in Caulks Creek, Wildwood, Missouri, 2022–2023
Topographic data were collected along six reaches (study reach 1, study reach 2, study reach 3, study reach 4, study reach 5, and study reach 6) along Caulks Creek in Wildwood, Missouri, on multiple dates, using terrestrial light detection and ranging (t-lidar), Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS), and conventional surveying techniques (Rydlund and Densmore, 2012).These data are...
Geospatial data and model archive associated with the two-dimensional hydraulic analysis of Joachim Creek, De Soto, Missouri
Digital flood-inundation maps for a 6.7-mile reach of Joachim Creek within and near the City of De Soto, Missouri, were created by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) in cooperation with the City of De Soto, Missouri. The flood-inundation maps depict estimates of the spatial extent, depth, and velocity corresponding to select flood events. Flood elevations were computed for Joachim Creek...
PeakFQ software input files and selected output files for selected long-term streamgages near Jefferson County, Missouri, through water year 2019
Contents include U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) flood-frequency analysis software PeakFQ input files (.psf specification file and peak-flow data file) and output files (.prt file of flood-frequency results) for selected streamgaging stations near Jefferson County, Missouri. Ten stations are included with flood-frequency results updated from Southard and Veilleux (2014) and peak-flow...
Terrestrial Light Detection and Ranging Topographic Survey Data for Two Recreation Areas Near Blue Mountain Lake and Nimrod Lake, Arkansas, March 2020
The U.S. Geological Survey collected topographic data in cooperation with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to assist in the management of two recreation areas at Blue Mountain Lake and near Nimrod Lake in Arkansas. Data were collected March 3-4, 2020 using terrestrial light detection and ranging (T-lidar) surveying equipment, Global navigation Satellite System (GNSS) surveying equipment...
Survey Data Collection for the States (PAS) Study along Little Sugar Creek and Selected Tributaries, near Pineville, MO, December 2019
This dataset describes the Survey Data collected for the Planning Assistance to the States (PAS) study along Little Sugar Creek and selected tributaries, near Bella Vista, Arkansas, and Pineville, Missouri, December 2019. Little Sugar Creek is a tributary to the Elk River in Missouri that commences in Benton County, Arkansas and terminates in McDonald County, Missouri. The stream...
Geomorphic change, hydrology, and hydraulics of Caulks Creek, Wildwood, Missouri
Caulks Creek is a small stream that flows through the city of Wildwood in western St. Louis County, Missouri. The U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with the city of Wildwood, has documented historical and recent geomorphic change along Caulks Creek, simulated the hydrologic and hydraulic response of Caulks Creek to a variety of design storm scenarios, and simulated bank retreat...
Jessica Z. LeRoy, David C. Heimann, Kyle D. Hix, Charles V. Cigrand, Tyler J. Burk
Effects of climate change on the hydrologic and hydraulic response of the Caulks Creek basin, Wildwood, Missouri
The city of Wildwood, Missouri, has identified fluvial erosion along Caulks Creek as a management priority due to potential effects to infrastructure and property. The upper and middle reaches of Caulks Creek flow intermittently (only immediately after precipitation), whereas the lower reach flows perennially. This study examines the effects of climate change and added storage on the...
Jessica Z. LeRoy, David C. Heimann, Tyler Joseph Burk, Charles V. Cigrand, Kyle D. Hix
Two-dimensional hydraulic analyses of Joachim Creek, De Soto, Missouri
A two-dimensional hydraulic model; water-surface profiles; and digital maps of water-surface elevation, velocities, and water depths were developed for a 6.7-mile reach of Joachim Creek within and near the city of De Soto, Missouri. Water-surface profiles were generated for the 10-, 4-, 2-, 1-, and 0.2-percent annual exceedance probability (10-, 25-, 50-, 100-, and 500-year recurrence...
Kyle D. Hix, Paul H. Rydlund, David C. Heimann
Science and Products
Archive of Bank Stability and Toe Erosion Model (BSTEM) Simulations of Caulks Creek, Wildwood, Missour
The Bank Stability and Toe Erosion Model (BSTEM) version 3.3.1 (Ursic and Langendoen, 2021) was used to predict bank retreat at five locations along Caulks Creek, Wildwood, Missouri, for a selection of design storm scenarios. BSTEM is a macro-enabled Excel spreadsheet (.xlsm file) that simulates the retreat of a bank profile due to a combination of fluvial and geotechnical processes...
Archive of hydrologic and hydraulic models used in the simulation of hydraulic characteristics of Caulks Creek, Wildwood, Missouri
Substantial incision and widening of Caulks Creek within the City of Wildwood, Missouri, in western St. Louis County, poses a threat to stormwater and transportation infrastructure along with effects to residential and recreational property. Hydrologic and hydraulic models were used to estimate probabilistic streamflows and characterize and assess spatial and temporal changes in erosion...
Topographic and Bank Erosion Pin Data Used in Monitoring of Bank Erosion in Caulks Creek, Wildwood, Missouri, 2022–2023
Topographic data were collected along six reaches (study reach 1, study reach 2, study reach 3, study reach 4, study reach 5, and study reach 6) along Caulks Creek in Wildwood, Missouri, on multiple dates, using terrestrial light detection and ranging (t-lidar), Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS), and conventional surveying techniques (Rydlund and Densmore, 2012).These data are...
Geospatial data and model archive associated with the two-dimensional hydraulic analysis of Joachim Creek, De Soto, Missouri
Digital flood-inundation maps for a 6.7-mile reach of Joachim Creek within and near the City of De Soto, Missouri, were created by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) in cooperation with the City of De Soto, Missouri. The flood-inundation maps depict estimates of the spatial extent, depth, and velocity corresponding to select flood events. Flood elevations were computed for Joachim Creek...
PeakFQ software input files and selected output files for selected long-term streamgages near Jefferson County, Missouri, through water year 2019
Contents include U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) flood-frequency analysis software PeakFQ input files (.psf specification file and peak-flow data file) and output files (.prt file of flood-frequency results) for selected streamgaging stations near Jefferson County, Missouri. Ten stations are included with flood-frequency results updated from Southard and Veilleux (2014) and peak-flow...
Terrestrial Light Detection and Ranging Topographic Survey Data for Two Recreation Areas Near Blue Mountain Lake and Nimrod Lake, Arkansas, March 2020
The U.S. Geological Survey collected topographic data in cooperation with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to assist in the management of two recreation areas at Blue Mountain Lake and near Nimrod Lake in Arkansas. Data were collected March 3-4, 2020 using terrestrial light detection and ranging (T-lidar) surveying equipment, Global navigation Satellite System (GNSS) surveying equipment...
Survey Data Collection for the States (PAS) Study along Little Sugar Creek and Selected Tributaries, near Pineville, MO, December 2019
This dataset describes the Survey Data collected for the Planning Assistance to the States (PAS) study along Little Sugar Creek and selected tributaries, near Bella Vista, Arkansas, and Pineville, Missouri, December 2019. Little Sugar Creek is a tributary to the Elk River in Missouri that commences in Benton County, Arkansas and terminates in McDonald County, Missouri. The stream...
Geomorphic change, hydrology, and hydraulics of Caulks Creek, Wildwood, Missouri
Caulks Creek is a small stream that flows through the city of Wildwood in western St. Louis County, Missouri. The U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with the city of Wildwood, has documented historical and recent geomorphic change along Caulks Creek, simulated the hydrologic and hydraulic response of Caulks Creek to a variety of design storm scenarios, and simulated bank retreat...
Jessica Z. LeRoy, David C. Heimann, Kyle D. Hix, Charles V. Cigrand, Tyler J. Burk
Effects of climate change on the hydrologic and hydraulic response of the Caulks Creek basin, Wildwood, Missouri
The city of Wildwood, Missouri, has identified fluvial erosion along Caulks Creek as a management priority due to potential effects to infrastructure and property. The upper and middle reaches of Caulks Creek flow intermittently (only immediately after precipitation), whereas the lower reach flows perennially. This study examines the effects of climate change and added storage on the...
Jessica Z. LeRoy, David C. Heimann, Tyler Joseph Burk, Charles V. Cigrand, Kyle D. Hix
Two-dimensional hydraulic analyses of Joachim Creek, De Soto, Missouri
A two-dimensional hydraulic model; water-surface profiles; and digital maps of water-surface elevation, velocities, and water depths were developed for a 6.7-mile reach of Joachim Creek within and near the city of De Soto, Missouri. Water-surface profiles were generated for the 10-, 4-, 2-, 1-, and 0.2-percent annual exceedance probability (10-, 25-, 50-, 100-, and 500-year recurrence...
Kyle D. Hix, Paul H. Rydlund, David C. Heimann