Scott A Olson
Scott Olson is a Hydrologist in the New England Water Science Center.
He has worked on numerous surface-water hydrology projects in New England since 1985.
Professional Experience
Hydrologist, U.S. Geological Survey, New England Water Science Center, 1994 to Present
Hydraulic Engineer, U.S. Geological Survey, Maine District, 1990 to 1994
Education and Certifications
B.S., Civil Engineering, University of Maine
Registered Professional Engineer in the State of New Hampshire
Science and Products
July 2023 Flood in Vermont
Characterizing Future Flood Flows for Flood Insurance Studies
Characterizing Future Climate and Hydrology in Massachusetts using Stochastic Modeling Methods
Development of Flood Insurance Maps in New England
Development of Streamflow Record Extension Equations in New Hampshire
Flow Modeling at Dam Removal Sites Associated with Hurricane Sandy Resiliency Efforts
Data for a Pilot Study Characterizing Future Climate and Hydrology in Massachusetts
Data for Characterizing Changes in the 1-percent Annual Exceedance Probability Streamflows for Climate Change Scenarios in the Housatonic River Watershed, Massachusetts, Connecticut, and New York
Data and shapefiles used to document the floods associated with the January and March 2018 Nor'easters for Coastal Areas of New England (ver. 2.0, November 2021)
Data for Simulating the Effects of Air Temperature and Precipitation Changes on Streamflow and Water Temperature in the Meduxnekeag River Watershed, Maine
Data and hydraulic models at selected dam-removal and culvert-retrofit sites in the northeastern United States
Characterizing future streamflows in Massachusetts using stochastic modeling—A pilot study
Characterizing changes in the 1-percent annual exceedance probability streamflows for climate-change scenarios in the Housatonic River watershed of Massachusetts, Connecticut, and New York
Simulating the effects of climate-related changes to air temperature and precipitation on streamflow and water temperature in the Meduxnekeag River watershed, Maine
Documentation and mapping of flooding from the January and March 2018 nor’easters in coastal New England
In January and March 2018, coastal Massachusetts experienced flooding from two separate nor’easters. To put the January and March floods into historical context, the USGS computed statistical stillwater elevations. Stillwater elevations recorded in January 2018 in Boston (9.66 feet relative to the North American Vertical Datum of 1988) have an annual exceedance probability of between 2 and 1 perce
Hydraulic modeling at selected dam-removal and culvert-retrofit sites in the northeastern United States
Methods for estimating regional coefficient of skewness for unregulated streams in New England, based on data through water year 2011
Development and evaluation of a record extension technique for estimating discharge at selected stream sites in New Hampshire
The Connecticut Streamflow and Sustainable Water Use Estimator—A decision-support tool to estimate water availability at ungaged stream locations in Connecticut
Tropical storm Irene flood of August 2011 in northwestern Massachusetts
Flood Map for the Winooski River in Waterbury, Vermont, 2014
Flood recovery maps for the White River in Bethel, Stockbridge, and Rochester, Vermont, and the Tweed River in Stockbridge and Pittsfield, Vermont, 2014
Assessment of the spatial extent and height of flooding in Lake Champlain during May 2011, using satellite remote sensing and ground-based information
Science and Products
July 2023 Flood in Vermont
Characterizing Future Flood Flows for Flood Insurance Studies
Characterizing Future Climate and Hydrology in Massachusetts using Stochastic Modeling Methods
Development of Flood Insurance Maps in New England
Development of Streamflow Record Extension Equations in New Hampshire
Flow Modeling at Dam Removal Sites Associated with Hurricane Sandy Resiliency Efforts
Data for a Pilot Study Characterizing Future Climate and Hydrology in Massachusetts
Data for Characterizing Changes in the 1-percent Annual Exceedance Probability Streamflows for Climate Change Scenarios in the Housatonic River Watershed, Massachusetts, Connecticut, and New York
Data and shapefiles used to document the floods associated with the January and March 2018 Nor'easters for Coastal Areas of New England (ver. 2.0, November 2021)
Data for Simulating the Effects of Air Temperature and Precipitation Changes on Streamflow and Water Temperature in the Meduxnekeag River Watershed, Maine
Data and hydraulic models at selected dam-removal and culvert-retrofit sites in the northeastern United States
Characterizing future streamflows in Massachusetts using stochastic modeling—A pilot study
Characterizing changes in the 1-percent annual exceedance probability streamflows for climate-change scenarios in the Housatonic River watershed of Massachusetts, Connecticut, and New York
Simulating the effects of climate-related changes to air temperature and precipitation on streamflow and water temperature in the Meduxnekeag River watershed, Maine
Documentation and mapping of flooding from the January and March 2018 nor’easters in coastal New England
In January and March 2018, coastal Massachusetts experienced flooding from two separate nor’easters. To put the January and March floods into historical context, the USGS computed statistical stillwater elevations. Stillwater elevations recorded in January 2018 in Boston (9.66 feet relative to the North American Vertical Datum of 1988) have an annual exceedance probability of between 2 and 1 perce