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June 10, 2022

The USGS Eastern Ecological Science Center’s Bird Banding Laboratory, welcomes its newest team member Biologist Stephanie Egger.

A women is smiling while holding a label bag that reads "Bird Safe Philly"
Stephanie Egger smiles for the camera with her Bird Safe Philly program supplies. 

Stephanie Egger joined the USGS Bird Banding Laboratory on June 6, 2022. Stephanie previously served as a biologist in the Office of Protected Resources at the NOAA National Marine Fisheries Service for 6 years. In her role with the Permits and Conservation Division - Incidental Take Program, she reviewed and approved the permitting for projects that could potentially result in the harassment of marine mammals, primarily by underwater noise. Prior to her experience at NMFS, she spent 10 years working as a Wildlife Biologist for the conservation and management of Piping Plovers and other shorebirds along the Atlantic Coast and The Bahamas. She has done this work most recently with Conserve Wildlife Foundation of New Jersey and before that with the USFWS Endangered Species Program. She has been the principal investigator in various shorebird research and conservation management projects as well as developed a conservation strategy for Diamondback Terrapins, including the coordination of marine debris removal efforts to improve terrapin habitat.   

Originally from Philadelphia, Stephanie received her master’s degree in biology in 2005 from St. Joseph’s University, after earning her bachelor’s degree in Marine Biology from Millersville University in 2001.   

In her new role as a Biologist with the Bird Banding Lab, Stephanie will support the lab’s operations by serving as a member of the Permit Team, issuing and administrating federal bird banding permits. She will help in the curation of bird banding and encounter reports within the bird banding database, provide biological support to banders and, general ornithological/scientific support for the lab’s projects and its operations. Stephanie will also represent the Bird Banding Lab at conferences, meetings, and outreach events.     

During her free time, she is a bird collision monitor and sits on both the Leadership Team and the Monitoring Planning Team for the Bird Safe Philly program. Stephanie is also on the board for Wyncote Audubon Society chapter. She is an avid birder, but also enjoys mountain biking, hiking, great food and traveling. We are excited to welcome Stephanie and look forward to adding her expertise to our team. 

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