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USGS Hydrologic Instrumentation Facility (HIF) training courses are specifically designed to benefit USGS hydrologic technicians and hydrologists who operate streamgages and other automated hydrologic monitoring stations. Non-USGS personnel who work for other Federal, State, and local agencies whose job duties include hydrologic monitoring may attend HIF training classes if space is available.

The HIF has three dedicated training rooms with wet chemistry and electronics configurations for hands-on instrument training, plus a 150-person auditorium with 16-foot screen. Trainees at the HIF will have access to state-of-the-art features throughout the facility, including the hydraulics lab, fabrication shop, walk-in temperature chamber, and local field-testing sites.

We currently offer three training courses at the HIF (listed below). Courses provide lectures and "hands-on" experience.

For additional information, contact the HIF toll-free customer service number at 800-382-0634.

One USGS scientist practices wiring at a table while another looks on
Students in the "Basic Electronics and Troubleshooting" class practice hands-on learning of basic soldering and wiring techniques.

Basic Electronics & Troubleshooting Instrumentation

This course covers basic electronic theory. In addition, specific items of study will include the electronics of direct current power systems, test equipment, grounding and lightning protection, troubleshooting data collection platforms, data loggers, RF troubleshooting, and soldering and de-soldering. Training will consist of classroom lectures and "hands-on" experience in troubleshooting and servicing electronic instrumentation sold by or rented from the HIF.

Target Audience: This is a basic course that will be of the most benefit to USGS Water Science Center field personnel who are in the early stages of their career. The course should assist any employees who perform general hydrologic field work, and will be of particular value to those collecting continuous records at fixed-site stations. Attendance is limited to 18 students.

Satellite Data Collection Platform Installation & Operation Workshop

This course is designed to train personnel in the installation, operation, and maintenance of hydrologic data collection systems that use GOES telemetry. Classroom training will include an overview of satellite data-collection systems, general capabilities of data collection platforms (DCP’s), the GOES satellite telemetry system, equipment protection, site reconnaissance, planning, and preparation, telemetry installation, power systems, sensor interfaces, antennas and masts, and troubleshooting. Participants will be provided “hands-on” experience through the setup and operation of various data-collection platforms for operating through the GOES data-collection system. Instructions on programming the various DCP’s will also be provided.

Target Audience: Personnel who are in the early stage or soon will be actively engaged in the installation and operation of data-collection platforms. Attendance is limited to 18.

USGS scientist calibrates a sonde on a table next to a small river pier
A "Water-Quality Instrumentation: Operation, Calibration, and Maintenance" course student calibrates the conductivity, pH, dissolved oxygen, and turbidity sensors on a multi-parameter water-quality sonde for water-quality analysis of the East Pearl River near Bay St. Louis, MS. Calibrating is an important step before deploying a sonde into the river or stream to ensure it is working properly in order to collect accurate measurements. (Credit: Nikki Jannie Denton, USGS)

Water Quality Instrumentation: Operation, Calibration, and Maintenance

This class is intended for technicians who work directly with water-quality (QW) instruments. The theory and background of most QW parameters will be discussed briefly, with most of the class time devoted to hands-on practice. The class will concentrate on the “big five” water quality parameters: water temperature, conductivity/specific conductance, pH, dissolved oxygen, and turbidity. Experienced instructors will cover the cleaning, maintenance, troubleshooting, and calibration of QW probes in both a laboratory setting and at a real field site. The most commonly used instruments will be used in the class. Students will interface QW probes to various data collection platforms (DCPs) and will demonstrate the ability to record and retrieve data from these systems. Instructors will show examples of useful field equipment and toolkits that have been assembled by very experienced field technicians. Students will deploy QW probes at an on-site river monitoring station and will perform the setup, field servicing, and data retrieval functions under the supervision of instructors. Other topics covered in the class will include: site selection for QW probe installations; various deployment/installation techniques for QW probes; CHIMP software usage for handling of field data and quality control; post-processing of QW data; and new trends in QW instrumentation.


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