Analytical Services and Prices
The Reston Stable Isotope Laboratory offers a variety of analytical Isotopic Services.
The RSIL can accept samples for FY 2024 until 2 p.m. EDT Thursday, September 19, 2024. If you have samples that will be collected after this date and can be submitted to RSIL by Tuesday, December 31, 2024, then you may be able to use the RSIL Advanced Request Form starting on Monday, September 2, 2024 to initiate the preparation of a JV and use of FY 2024 funds for analytical services.
Analytical Services and Prices (Fiscal Year 2024)
Laboratory services are provided for USGS programs and personnel. However, laboratory services can be provided to other federal, state, and county agencies and private firms by entering an agreement - either a USGS FACILITY SERVICE/USER AGREEMENT, REIMBURSABLE AGREEMENT, or INTERAGENCY AGREEMENT (required for federal customers). The analytical costs will be higher than those listed because other costs, such as USGS overhead, must be added. Please contact Jennifer Lorenz ( for prices and additional information.
The submitter should fill out either the Standard Submission Excel Form or the QWDATA Compatible Submission Excel Form (an individual file is needed for each type of analysis). The file should be e-mailed to Submitters should not change the format of a Submission Excel file because laboratory personnel may not be able to import it without modifying it. Modifying the format of Submission Excel files may result in an additional charge for time needed to correct the formatting.
- If users provide information on the QWDATA Compatible Submission Excel Form, the QWDATA files, Sample_d.dat and Result_d.dat, will be uploaded on the QW Data Transfer System (QWDX) with USGS procedure codes (list of RSIL lab codes, method codes, and procedure codes) and an Excel spreadsheet of the results and confirmation of successful upload to QWDX system will be e-mailed to the sample submitter.
To request and pay in advance for isotopic analyses of samples to be collected next fiscal year, use the RSIL Advanced Request Form.
Submissions should be sent to:
Reston Stable Isotope Laboratory (RSIL)
U.S. Geological Survey
Mail Stop 431, Room 5B142
12201 Sunrise Valley Drive
Reston, VA 20192
(703) 648-5859
Exception: samples for tritium analysis by electrolytic enrichment and liquid scintillation counting should be submitted to the Menlo Park Isotope Laboratory with the Menlo Park QWDATA Compatible Submission Excel Form (instructions and prices).
- Please provide a prepared return shipping label if you ship your samples in a cooler. Otherwise, your cooler will not be returned to you.
- General turnaround time for analysis is 2-4 weeks, but may be longer due to seasonal sample load. For information on express services, please email Priority service is available with advance notice. Turn-around time for priority service is 24 to 48 hours for hydrogen and oxygen isotope ratios of water. The surcharge is an additional 50 percent. Please contact the laboratory to arrange.
- For analytical uncertainty of RSIL methods, please contact the RSIL.
- The RSIL has a soil permit. Please contact the RSIL in advance of sending soil samples in order to obtain a U.S. Department of Agriculture entry label.
Prices for each type of analysis
SOP = Standard Operating Procedure
Please click the lab code in the tables below to access the instructions for collecting samples.
Last updated: May 28, 2024
Noble gas stable-isotope measurements by mass spectrometry
Samples | Lab Code | Price (each) |
Low-level tritium (hydrogen-3) in water by helium-3 ingrowth (0.01 TU) | 600; Not accepting new projects at this time | -- |
Helium-3/helium-4 (δ3He) in helium; dissolved helium and neon concentrations in water | 610; Not accepting new projects at this time | -- |
Noble gas suite (δ3He, helium, neon, argon, krypton, and xenon concentrations) dissolved in water | 620; Not accepting new projects at this time | -- |
Tritium analysis by electrolytic enrichment and liquid scintillation counting (Menlo Park)
Instructions and Prices
Use the Menlo Park QWDATA Compatible Submission Excel Form
Both H-2/H-1 and O-18/O-16 isotope-ratio mass spectrometric analysis of water (samples > 3.5 mL)
Hydrogen-2 of water SOP, Oxygen-18 of water SOP
Only H-2/H-1 isotope-ratio mass spectrometric analysis of water
Number of Samples | Lab Code | Price (each) |
All | 1574 | Contact RSIL |
Only O-18/O-16 isotope-ratio mass spectrometric analysis of water
Number of Samples | Lab Code | Price (each) |
All | 489 | Contact RSIL |
Both H-2/H-1 and O-18/O-16 isotope-ratio mass spectrometric analysis of pore water in sediments and plant material (toluene extraction method)
N-15/N-14 and O-18/O-16 of NO3 in water (user must provide NO3 concentration accurate to within ±10 percent). Please do not ship LC2900 samples to RSIL without concentrations (except if also requesting LC2901).
N-15/N-14 of dissolved NH4 in water (user must provide NH4 concentration accurate to within ±20 percent)
C-13/C-12 and O-18/O-16 of powdered calcite
C-13/C-12 of DIC (40 mL glass vial with butyl rubber septa provided by RSIL). For instructions, please contact RSIL.
DIC sampling instructions document
O-18/O-16 of solids (AgNO3, NaNO3, KNO3, Ag2SO4, BaSO4, keratins, collagens, wood, plants, and other organic compounds). For O-18/O-16 of other materials, please contact RSIL.
Number of Samples | Lab Code | Price (each) |
1-5 | 891 | $89 |
6-19 | 891 | $68 |
20+ | 891 | $55 |
O-18/O-16 of organic liquids
Number of Samples | Lab Code | Price (each) |
All | 892 | $120 |
H-2/H-1 of solids (keratins, collagens, wood, plants, and other organic compounds)
Number of Samples | Lab Code | Price (each) |
1-5 | 282 | $89 |
6-19 | 282 | $68 |
20+ | 282 | $55 |
H-2/H-1 of organic liquids
Number of Samples | Lab Code | Price (each) |
All | 283 | $120 |
For H-2/H-1 in other materials that have exchangeable hydrogen, please contact RSIL.
S-34/S-32 and O-18/O-16 analyses of sulfate in water
S-34/S-32 analyses of sulfate in water
S-34/S-32 analyses of sulfur in powdered solids
Samples | SOP | Lab Code | Price (each) |
Powdered biological material, powdered sediments, and other powdered solids |
SOP | 1800 | $88 |
Dissolved sulfide as pure Ag2S | -- | 1948 | $70 |
Dissolved sulfide as pure Ag2S with filtration |
-- | 1948 | $103 |
Sulfate in rock or sediment | -- | 1950 | Contact RSIL |
Powder solid sample, if needed | -- | -- | $22 |
Pure BaSO4 powder | -- | -- | $61 |
C-13/C-12 and/or N-15/N-14 of powdered vertebrates
C-13/C-12; N-15/N-14 of powdered plants, powdered invertebrates, and powdered sediments
C-13/C-12; N-15/N-14 of suspended particles or sediments on filters (sufficient mass amount that allows for multiple analyses)
Samples | SOP | Lab Code | Price (each) |
C-13/C-12, N-15/N-14, C concentration, and N concentration (determined from replicate analyses) |
SOP | 1832 | $75 |
C-13/C-12 and C concentration |
-- | 2896 | $38 |
N-15/N-14 and N concentration |
SOP | 2893 | $38 |
Freeze dry sample, if needed |
-- | -- | $10 |
Powder solid sample, if needed |
-- | -- | $20 |
Removal of calcium carbonate by acidification, if needed |
-- | -- | $25 |
C-13/C-12; N-15/N-14 of suspended particles or sediments on filters (limited mass amount that allows for only one analysis for both C and N, pre-weighed or not)
Samples | SOP | Lab Code | Price (each) |
C-13/C-12, N-15/N-14, C concentration, and N concentration |
Refer to LC1832 SOP |
1833 | $68 |
C-13/C-12 and C concentration |
-- | 1834 | $35 |
N-15/N-14 and N concentration |
Refer to LC2893 SOP |
1835 | $35 |
Stable isotopes in wood (timber): H-2/H-1, C-13/C-12, N-15/N-14, O-18/O-16, and S-34/S-32; H, C, N, O, and S concentrations
Refer to LC1832 SOP
Stable isotopes and trace elements in wood (timber): H-2/H-1, C-13/C-12, N-15/N-14, O-18/O-16, and S-34/S-32; H, C, N, O, and S concentrations; Li, Be, B, Al, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, As, Se, Rb, Sr, Mo, Ag, Cd, Sb, Ba, La, Ce, Tl, Pb, and U.
Refer to LC1832 SOP