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Equipment and Facilities

A description of the Reston Stable Isotope Lab's current equipment and facilities.

Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometers 

  • 1 Delta V Plus continuous flow isotope-ratio mass spectrometer with dual inlet, Thermo Fisher Scientific 
  • 1 Delta V Plus continuous flow isotope-ratio mass spectrometer with 10 collectors, Thermo Fisher Scientific 
  • 1 Delta XP continuous flow isotope-ratio mass spectrometer with 10 collectors, with dual inlet, Thermo Fisher Scientific 
  • 1 Delta XP continuous flow isotope-ratio mass spectrometer with 6 collectors, Thermo Fisher Scientific  
  • 1 VG Micromass 602 with dual inlet dedicated to hydrogen isotope-ratio measurements. Peripherals include an automated 60-port air-bath manifold for gaseous hydrogen-water equilibration. 
  • 1 DuPont 21-491 with dual-inlet, double-collecting, double-focusing isotope-ratio mass spectrometer with electric sector.  Used primarily for carbon dioxide from water and carbonate sample preparation. Peripherals include an automated 20-port manifold and a 48-port VG Micromass oxygen-18 water equilibration system. 

Other Major Instruments 

  • 1 Liquid-water Isotope Analyzer (DLT-100), Los Gatos Research 
  • 1 Liquid-water Isotope Analyzer (TIWA-45EP) capable of analyzing δ17O, Los Gatos Research 


  • 1 Elemental analyzer, Costech, ECS 4010 
  • 1 Elemental analyzer, EA-Isolink, Thermo Fisher Scientific  
  • 2 TC/EA, Thermo Fisher Scientific 
  • 2 GasBench units,  Thermo Fisher Scientific 
  • 1 GC-Isolink, Thermo Fisher Scientific


* Any use of trade, firm, or product names is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Government. 

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