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The U.S. Geological Survey’s (USGS) Reston Microbiology Lab (RML) is housed in approximately 1700 ft2 of lab space in the National Center building in Reston, VA. Our expertise is in microbial ecology, biogeochemistry, and geomicrobiology and we utilize microbiology, molecular biology, and biogeochemistry techniques.  

RML is housed in approximately 1700 ft2 of lab space in the National Center building in Reston, VA. Our expertise is in microbial ecology, biogeochemistry, and geomicrobiology and we utilize microbiology, molecular biology, and biogeochemistry techniques.

The lab is equipped with four fume hoods, a Coy anaerobic chamber, walk-in incubator, autoclave, and microbiology, cultivation, and biogeochemistry equipment. We perform next-generation sequencing using Illumina MiSeq 16S iTag sequencing, PacBio genomic sequencing, Illumina HiSeq metagenomic and genomic sequencing, and Oxford Nanopore GridION genomic sequencing. Sequencing is performed at external laboratories.

Reston Microbiology Laboratory employee conducting PCR analysis
Reston Microbiology Laboratory employee conducting PCR analysis. (Public domain.)

Molecular Biology Equipment

  • FastPrep 24 Bead-beater for DNA extractions

  • 3 AirScience laminar flow hoods with UV sterilization

  • 4 PCR thermocyclers

  • 2 quantitative PCR (qPCR) thermocyclers

  • Gel electrophoresis equipment and a Kodak Gel Doc Imager

  • Ultracentrifuge for DNA-stable isotope probing



RML Walk-in Incubator
RML Walk-in Incubator. (Public domain.)

Microbiology Equipment

  • A walk-in incubator
  • 3 floor model incubators

  • Autoclave

  • Water baths

  • 3 -80ºC freezers

  • Numerous refrigerators and -20ºC freezers

  • A Coy Laboratories anaerobic chamber with an Auto Airlock, Gas Leak Detector, and Gas Analyzer

  • Gassing stations for anaerobic cultivation

  • Zeiss Axio Imager A1 epifluorescent microscope equipped with a digital color camera and imaging software

  • Class II Biological Safety Cabinet for aerobic cultivation.






RML COY Chambers
RML COY Chambers. (Public domain.)

Biogeochemistry Equipment

  • Hewlett Packard 6890 Series II gas chromatograph with a thermal conductivity detector (GC-TCD)

  • Shimadzu GC17A gas chromatograph with flame ionization detector (GC-FID) and split-splitless injection ports

  • GENESYS 6UV-Vis Spectrophotometer

  • Dionex Magellan Biosciences MRXe 96-well plate reader

  • BioTek Synergy HT Plate Reader

  • Agilent LC 1220 high performance liquid chromatography system (HPLC) equipped with UV and RI detection and an autosampler

  • pH and conductivity meters


Computational and Bioinformatics Capabilities

We also offer a variety of fee-for-services capabilities

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