Submit a Request
- Sample requests are submitted using the WHCMSC Samples Repository’s Sample Request form.
- Right-click the link and select “Save As” to save the form to your computer’s hard drive.
- Be sure to include the sample name or identification numbers and complete the sample requester information required on the bottom of page 1. Also, please describe all analyses planned for these samples and submit your completed forms in an email to the curator.
Notification of Request Status
All sample requests will be addressed upon their receipt, and the individual initiating the request will be notified by email regarding the status of their request and of the samples’ availability. Once the request has been approved, the curator will complete and distribute a Sample Loan Agreement form, which the requester will sign and return to the Samples Repository before any sample material will be made available. Any samples requested for destructive analysis or not intended for return to the repository will be explicitly accounted for on the Loan Agreement Form.
Conditions of an Approved Loan
By signing the Sample Loan Agreement form—which the curator will return a copy of to the individual making the request after the Sample Request has been approved—the requester acknowledges the following conditions and agrees that they will be met during the duration of the loan:
Term of Loan
All samples loaned out for research, and any data derived from the analysis of these samples, will be returned to the WHCMSC Samples Repository at the borrower's expense, no later than the agreed upon due date stated at the top of the Sample Loan Agreement form, or within one week after an earlier return is requested by the Samples Repository.
Use of Samples and Collections
Samples on loan are for the sole use of the person or persons stated on the Sample Loan Agreement form. The borrower will not loan, deliver, lease, or transfer the samples to any other group or entity. When displaying the samples or publishing the results of any resultant research, the borrower will clearly state that these samples belong to the U.S. Geological Survey.
Alteration of Samples
In the sample request form or email correspondence, the requester should clearly explain all proposed tests and anticipated alterations planned for the samples while in the borrower’s care. Requests may be negotiated or denied if there is not enough sample material for the intended analyses. Samples on loan should be used only for the research and data extraction purposes stated on the Sample Loan Agreement form. If further analyses are needed, please contact the curator.
Loss or Damage
The WHCMSC Samples Repository recognizes that many analyses are destructive in nature. However, unless it is agreed that the sample or any portion thereof will not be returned to the Samples Repository after analysis, the borrower would be responsible to report any damage or loss of material to the curator upon return of the samples.
Questions or Comments
Any questions or comments can be made using the web form provided above, or contact the curator directly