Ring in the New Year with Landsat Collection 2
As of December 30, 2022, Landsat Collection 1 data and science products are no longer downloadable from the USGS.
However, Landsat Collection 2 data and science products from 1972 to present remain available for download from the USGS EarthExplorer, GloVis, LandsatLook, and the commercial cloud. Additional Landsat Collection 2 science products, such as Spectral Indices, are also available to request from the EROS Science Processing Architecture (ESPA) On Demand Interface at https://espa.cr.usgs.gov/.
Landsat Collection 2 data contains improved geometric accuracy, digital elevation modeling, better radiometric calibration, and many more advancements over Collection 1. For a complete list of Collection 2 processing improvements, please review the information on the Landsat Collection 2 webpage.
Due to processing and algorithm advancements, users are discouraged from using Collection 1 and Collection 2 interchangeably in the same workflow. Please contact EROS User Services with any questions about this announcement or about any Landsat data products at custserv@usgs.gov.
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