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GHISA - AFRICA - EO-1 - Hyperion - DATASET

Detailed Description

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GHISA - AFRICA - EO-1 - Hyperion - DATASET

These hyperspectral data were acquired in the year 2001 and 2002 using ASD 400-2500 nm spectroradiometer data in various agroecological zones of Africa (mainly in Nigeria, Benin, and Cameroun). Data was acquired for Crops:

  • Corn (cn), Casava (cs), Cowpea (cw), groundnut (gn), rice (rc), and soybeans (sy)
  • Grass species code: brj=Brachiaria jubata, brs = Brachiaria stigmatisata, dis = Digitaria sp., imp = Imperata cylindrica                                               
  • Shrub species code: pi= Piliostigma thomingii; is = Isoberlinia tomentosa
  • Weed species code: as = Aspilia africana, cao = Cassia obtusifolia, cho = Chromolaena odorata; ag = Ageraturm conyzoides; te = Tephrosia bracteolata



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