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NCCWSC 2008 National Workshop Summary,

Detailed Description

On December 3–4, 2008, the USGS convened a workshop that brought together nearly 200 representatives from invited state and federal agencies, tribal organizations, academia and nongovernmental organizations to identify research needs and priorities, devise strategies for partnerships and collaboration, and to begin to design a structure for the Center. Prior to the workshop, participants were asked to prepare to contribute their agency’s or organization’s perspective, capabilities, information needs and priorities, and potential collaborations. The broad draft objectives that had been developed by the Interim Steering Committee with input from the states and other interested organizations were provided to participants and are listed below. Fish and wildlife scientists engaged in climate change research were at the workshop to provide information on the current status of assessment, synthesis and forecasting efforts. The goal of the workshop was to discuss and determine the role of the Center in coordination of priority assessment, monitoring and research for the benefit of the fish, wildlife and natural resources managers facing the adaptive management challenge of adaptation of fish and wildlife in the face of climate change.


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