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How Do You Landsat in the Brazil Cerrado

January 2022 (approx.)

Detailed Description

The South American Savannas host several species, including ocelots and nutria rats. The soil is rich soil results in plantations of bananas, coffee, and other crops. Areas are cleared out for the fertile humus. The tropical Brazilian Cerrado is the largest savanna on the continent and the most threated biome from agricultural expansion. Assessing the region is vital to understanding the health of the Cerrado savanna.

Using Landsat data from 1985–2017, researchers classified vegetation areas into three types: forests, savanna, or grassland. Results estimated native savannas and forests declined at 0.5% per year, around 750,000 hectares annually. 55% of the original distribution remains, with 65% of that remaining stable and 23% converted for agricultural use over the years.


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