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Artwork for the Webinar Series: Incorporating Indigenous Knowledges into Federal Research and Management

Detailed Description

This artwork was created to represent the National Climate Adaptation Science Center webinar series "Incorporating Indigenous Knowledges into Federal Research and Management."

This visual was created by Coral Avery (BIA Tribal Climate Resilience, Northwest Climate Adaptation Science Center) with the support of the webinar series planning team. Coral describes this image as:

Although one image cannot fully encapsulate the expanse of Indigenous Knowledge, this visual is intended to show the connection of native species and Indigenous cultures stretching from the Pacific Islands to the East Coast of the US. It includes the medicine wheel to symbolize the health and prosperity of people and environment, Turtle Island which symbolizes either North America or both North and South America depending on the storyteller, and water surrounds the image as it sustains all life. Inspiration was taken from Native storytelling and the personal connections that members of the webinar series planning team and the artist have with these species and symbols. 

Image description: Image of a green snapping turtle within a circular medicine wheel (offset four quadrants colored white, yellow, red, and black), encircled by a wreath of plants significant to Indigenous cultures from across the US, Alaska, and the Pacific Islands (kelp, clams, yucca, corn, cedar, & fire weed) and a watercolor blue border.


Public Domain.

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