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Coastal Vulnerability Index - 1999

Detailed Description

The CCL is an updated version of the older Coastal Vulnerability Index, first published in 1999. While the original product was focused on change in the next 50-100 years based solely on sea level rise, the new CCL is more near-term, focusing on change over the next decade as a result of multiple coastal hazards. The CCL incorporates significant improvements to the Coastal Vulnerability Index thanks to technological updates and improvements in coastal data source quality and resolution. Specific improvements include (1) expanded coverage of the coastal zone, allowing this assessment to cover inland coastal areas, as well as the coastline; (2) higher resolution predictive decision support datasets and maps that are area-based as opposed to line-based; and (3) using a machine learning approach as opposed to the spatial analysis methods utilized in the Coastal Vulnerability Index. Overall, this means the data in the CCL is more accurate, includes more complex information, better accounts for geological and ecological variability and human development, and the data maps are easier to interpret. 


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