Connectivity of Coral Ecosystems
Detailed Description
Equipment that enables sampling of multiple shallow and mesophotic coral habitats in the Northwestern Gulf of Mexico.
Public Domain.
Connectivity of Coral Ecosystems in the Northwestern Gulf of Mexico
Connectivity among coral communities influences the probability of speciation and contributes to their ability to adapt to natural and anthropogenic stressors. Results from this study will enhance our understanding of Gulf of Mexcio ecosystems with regional conservation initiatives to inform the restoration of degraded deepwater coral communities and preserve long-term viability of coastal...
Connectivity of Coral Ecosystems in the Northwestern Gulf of Mexico
Connectivity among coral communities influences the probability of speciation and contributes to their ability to adapt to natural and anthropogenic stressors. Results from this study will enhance our understanding of Gulf of Mexcio ecosystems with regional conservation initiatives to inform the restoration of degraded deepwater coral communities and preserve long-term viability of coastal...