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Cooperators learn about Otowi Streamgage in New Mexico

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Many eyes watch the amount of water running past the important Otowi streamflow gage. On May 23rd, Tyson Hatch from the New Mexico Water Science Center (NMWSC) presented an overview of the streamgaging activities of the Otowi Gage to participants of the Rio Chama Basin and San Juan-Chama Project Tour.

The Otowi gage measures streamflow in the Rio Grande River. The streamgage record at Otowi is a key component in determining water deliveries from New Mexico to Texas as determined by the Rio Grande Compact accounting. The NMWSC operates and measures flow at the the Otowi gage. The Interstate Stream Commission also measures flow there. The Otowi gage is located on San Ildefonso Pueblo land and permission is obtained from the Pueblo to access the gage.


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