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Core section of coral from Guam

Detailed Description

Photograph of Asan-1 core (1.17 m in length), from the Asan region of west-central Guam, taken for image analysis using a Geotek Multi-Sensor Core Logger (MSCL) system.  Age dates were assigned based on year of collection, tissue layer, and band counting using annual density growth patterns captured in CT imagery (image from Prouty et al., 2014).


Public Domain.

Historic impact of watershed change and sedimentation to reefs along west-central Guam
Prouty, N.G., Storlazzi, C.D., McCutcheon, A.L., and Jenson, J.W, 2014, Historic impact of watershed change and sedimentation to reefs along west-central Guam: Coral Reefs, v. 33, pp. 733–749. doi: 10.1007/s00338-014-1166-x

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